12. Chapter

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After our hot makeout session, we both sat down on the beach bed, talked and ate some food. One thought crossed my mind, so I felt the urge to ask him.
"Were you ever in a relationship before?"
"So we are in a relationship?" Be teased.
"Maybe... Soon. Now answer my question."
"I was, once. But we didn't get along well." He explained.
"Why were you in a relationship in the first place then?" I questioned.
"We were young and my father thought it would be good for me to get into a relationship, so he kinda arranged it." I nodded.
"What about you?" Jimin asked.
"I was never in a real relationship before. I only dated, but it never worked out." I stated. Jimin chuckled.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He proposed. I looked at him, shocked. I didn't expect this at all.
I nodded my head, I was lost at words.
Jimin hugged me and kissed me passionately.

After about thirty minutes, I needed to get back home. It was already getting dark. Jimin parked the car Infront of my house. He opened the door for me and I hopped out.
He trapped me with his arms, my back was on the car.
"Our families will go to dinner tomorrow. Maybe you want to induce me officially." He said.
"That would be really early." I whispered in his ear.
"I know, babygirl, but I won't ever let you go." Jimin stated.
"Oh really?" I questioned just to tease him.
Jimin kissed me passionately. I replied to his kiss. Our tongues were moving with one another, when he suddenly pulled away. I frowned.
"You wouldn't want to have sex Infront of your parents house, or would you?" He teased.
I slightly hit him on his chest.
"Shut up." I said.
"I'm just stating the truth, babe."
I rolled my eyes.
"Am I not getting a goodbye kiss?" Jimin questioned.
"You already had yours." I replied.
He pouted.
"But that was minutes ago."
I quickly pecked  his lips and ran inside.

"So you and Jimin?" A voice said. I jumped at the unexpected. I turned to the side to see my brother sitting in the kitchen.
"None of your business. Where are mum and dad though?" I questioned.
"They are still doing some business." Jackson replied.
"There busy quite a lot lately." I stated. My brother nodded as a response.
"Don't you want to go to bed? It's already getting late." He suggested.
"No, thanks. I'm not a little kid anymore." I said.
"But you've got school tomorrow." Jackson reasoned.
"And so do you."

I went up into my room and got ready for the night. After that I went back into the kitchen. My brother luckily wasn't there anymore. I took some ice cream and went back upstairs. I jumped onto my bed and started watching Netflix till late at night.

Another wonderful day was awaiting me.
I got ready and went into the kitchen.
"Don't forget the dinner today, honey. We don't want you in detention again." My mum said.
"I know mum."
"Now that the boys aren't here, tell me."
I looked at her, obviously confused about what she meant.
"Jimin" she whispered.
"What do you mean?" I pretended as if there was nothing.
"He's always picking you up for school and other things." She explained.
"We're just friends, that's all." I lied.
"I don't believe you."

Lucky me, the doorbell rang, so I excused myself.
"Good morning." I greeted the amazing view Infront of me.
"Good morning, baby. Can I get my morning kiss?" He questioned.
"Not here, my mum is already sensing that something's off." I replied.
Jimin frowned, but not long after, it turned into a smirk.
"Please don't do anything stupid." I begged him.
"I won't, I'll do something very smart." He replied. I looked at him with that 'are you serious' look.
"Not funny." I added.

I was happy, that I was able to leave the car without Jimin walking hand in hand with me. He suggested that we'd kiss at the parking lot, so that everybody would see that we were together. Me being me, I obviously said no to his idea. I wasn't ready yet.

"Morning." The girls greeted me.
"Morning." I replied.
"Did you hear, that there will be a new student?" Nayeon asked.
"Really, who?" I questioned.
"Her name is Eunha. She's in our class." Jennie explained.
"Have you met her yet?" I wanted to know. They both shook their head.

As we walked towards our classroom, I noticed a girl standing by the door.
"Hi, excuse me. Is this the right room for English with Mrs. Xiu?" She asked us.
"Yes, are you Eunha?" I replied. She nodded her head, but I could see her smile fading a bit.
"It's always like that, don't worry." Nayeon explained. Seems like she had noticed it, too.

We all intrudced ourselves and went into class. I could see Jimin on the seat besides me already. I went towards him.
"You know, that you don't sit here." I said.
"But I want to be close to you." He whined. I sighed.
"Do you want to join me in the back?" He suggested. I thought about it. Eunha could sit on my seat, otherwise she'd be lonely.
"Fine." I said and noticed his smirk.
"Don't even think about it." I warned him.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He defended himself. I rolled my eyes. No one would believe his stupid lie.

I sat down and exactly when the lesson started, Jimin put his hand on my thigh.
"I told you not to do anything." I slightly hissed.
"We both knew that I probably wasn't going to keep that promise."

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