Pretty but peculiar

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Three years passed....

There was a girl coming out of her cottage.

She has woken up early to return her book to the library.

And that girl's name is Hailey. She walked along, sighing in relief. She was glad nobody was up yet, and found it quite peaceful. That's when the tower clock rang.

"Good morning!"
"Morning to you too!"
"Hello everyone!"
"I slept pretty well"
"Nobody asked!"

Hailey groaned and just casually walked along the road, meeting Liam the baker.

Hailey: Hello Liam!
Liam: Hello Hailey!
Hailey: Let me guess, you forgotten something you needed to bring or do again?
Liam: Well, yea...but the thing is I can't remember what!

Hailey giggled and went on her way.

Liam: Where are you off to?
Hailey: To return this book to the library, it's about a boy with bad luck.
Liam: Sounds boring
Hailey: Like you
Liam: ......

Students: Oh there she goes that girl is strange but special
Teacher: Dazed and distracted can't you tell? Hurry! Classes are about to start!

Hailey skips happily ignoring compliments and insults.

She finay reached the library.

Miss Jones: Ah....if it's the only bookworm in town
Hailey: Good morning, Miss Jones, I had such fun reading it. Are there any more books for me to read?
Miss Jones: Oh dear me, seems like you read all of the books here! Perhaps you would like to reread them?
Hailey: Of course! I would borrow that book 'How Justin and Sukie and met'
Miss Jones: Alrighty then, here's the book.
Hailey: Goodbye Miss Jones!
Miss Jones: Goodbye Hails!

Zoey: God! That Hailey girl always reads, does she even have a life?

Hailey thinking: Oh, isn't this amazing?
It's my favourite part'll see! Here's where she meets prince charming...and she won't discover they're mean't to be, till chapter three...

Drew: Ugh, wasn't war boring, Henry? There were hardly enemies blood in my hands. Should've killed them instead of sending them to prison.
Henry: Oh don't look so blue, Drew...I guess something will cheer you up
Drew: Ah...maybe*looking through the binoculars. Remember that Hailey?
Henry: Yes, that girl? The one that rejects you often?
Drew: Never remind me of that
Henry: Geez, sorry bro

Drew: I'll make her mine

Drew walked to Hailey left his horse stranded with Henry.
Henry: I really shouldn't have suggested something to cheer him up

Drew grabbed some sunflowers from a beautiful garden.

Drew: Hi there, Hailey!
Hailey: Oh, hey, Drew
Drew handed the flowers to Hailey.
Hailey: Oh, it's for me?
Drew: Yea
Hailey: Ummmm did you noticed there is a wasp on it?
Drew: Wait, ahhhhh
Drew threw the sunflower out of his sight.

Drew: Uh, nvm about that, anyways do you want to have dinner with me this evening?
Hailey: Ummmm no thank you....
She said backing away and walking towards her cottage.
Drew: You're busy?
Hailey:'s just....I don't feel like it...
She went inside her cottage and locked the door.

Henry: You givin up, already?
Drew: No, Henry, the best girls of all are the ones hard to get

Hailey put her book on the table and saw Zander, her brother playing the piano.

Zander: Oh hey, Hailey!
Hailey: Hi Zander! Still practicing for the audition?
Zander: Yea, duh
Hailey: Oh ok

Hailey: Zander, do you think I'm weird?
Zander: My sister? Weird? Who the hell said that?
Hailey: I dunno, people talk
Zander: It's a small town, Hails
Hailey: Yup

Few hours passed

Hailey: Ok, bye Zander! Good luck auditioning! And please take care of Brii the horse (a little cameo of Brii studios for y'all, and don't worry, she's a beautiful horse)
Zander: No worries, Hailey. But I'm more worried about you! Drew might start to mess with you while I'm gone, yknow
Hailey: I can handle myself, Zander. It's ok
Zander: Oh yea, do you want any gift when I come back, am I good brother or not?
Hailey: You are a kind brother... sometimes....anyways, would it bother you to get a rose (I just realized Rosy clozy, lmao) for me? I'm tired of staring at sunflowers.
Zander: ok, I will, I promise

And then he went

Oh hey guys! So whatcha think about this AU? Be honest, though

It would make my day if you vote and comment suggestions and your fav moments!

Anyways, byeeeee

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