Off to kill the beast...

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The wagon thunders near the bar to put Zander in it. The village thinks he's crazy. They think he should go to the mental hospital or something

With Luke knocked out, Zander had nobody to defend him, he wasn't really the strong type so he couldn't use violence to get out of this mess. Soon enough he was surrounded by taunting villagers. The eerie driver of the wagon steps out as Liam and a few other men throw Zander into the cage on wheels. Villagers approach the wagon mocking and teasing him.           

Drew leans into the wagon. The gathering crowd is just loud enough to mask a private plea to Zander...

Drew: Have you ever seen the inside of a mad house, Zander? You wouldn't last a
week. Just give me your sister's                 hand in marriage, and I'll set you free.

Zander: Never.                                                  

Drew clenches his jaw and locks the door of the wagon.

Drew: Take him away!

The wagon begins to move. The villagers watch the wagon until they are silenced by a loud...

Hailey: STOP!

Hailey's voice cuts through the crowd.   They turn and gape at...

Hailey dazzling in her dresses

The crowd parts before her as she dismounts Brii and moves to the wagon. They whisper as she passes.

Lia: Hailey...Where did she come from?
Zoey: Is that Hailey? Look at that dress!

Drew stares, slack-jawed, unable to believe his eyes.

Hailey fearlessly strides right in front of the wagon. The horses jump up, startled. Hailey runs to the locked door.

Zander: Hailey? I thought I'd lost you!                       

Hailey sees her poor brother injured on the floor of the wagon.

Hailey: Open this door! He's hurt!

The driver climbs down to calm down worried Hailey               

Driver: I'm afraid we can't do that, miss.   But we'll take very good care of him.                      

Hailey: My brother's not crazy! Drew, tell him!

Drew: Hailey, you know how loyal I am to your, but your brother has been making some peculiar claims.

Lia: It's true, Hailey. He's been raving about a beast in a castle.

Hailey: I have just come from the castle and there is a beast!                                      

Drew: We all admire your devotion to your brother, but you'd say anything to free him. Your words are hardly any proof.

Hailey pulls out the magic mirror from her sash.
Hailey: You want proof? *Showing the mirror to the villagers* SHOW ME THE BEAST

In the mirror, the beast sits slumped against a turret wall. The villagers gasp. Drew's face registers shock.               
Hailey: This is your proof!

Drew snatched the mirror out of Hailey's hands

Drew: This is.....sorcery

Drew then shows the mirror to the villagers revealing the beast


The villagers screamed in fright

Hailey: No, don't be afraid. He is gentle and kind.

Drew: The monster has put her under a spell! If I didn't know better, I'd say she even cared for him.                                    

Hailey: He's not a monster, Drew. You are. The beast would never hurt anyone.                    

Drew eyed her suspiciously                    

Drew: I have heard of the effects of dark                    
magic, but never seen it with my own                   
eyes before! This is a threat to our                   
very existence!                                        

Drew: We can't have her running off to warn the beast. Lock her up too.                            

A few strong-arm men shoved Hailey into the wagon with her brother.                                                      

Hailey: This isn't over Drew, you'll see!                
Henry: Drew, with all due respect-                       

Drew: DO YOU WANT TO BE NEXT?                                    
Henry: N-no..                                                     
Drew: Then fetch my horse

Drew hops onto the back of the wagon and addresses the crowd.                    

Drew:That creature will curse us all if we don't stop him! Well, I say we KILL

Lia: We're not safe until he's dead!

Stacy: He'll come stalking us at night!

Liam: Set to sacrifice our children
To his monstrous appetite!

Zoey: He'll wreak havoc on our village
If we let him wander free!

Drew: So it's time to take some action, ladies and gentlemen. It's time to follow me!

Drew grabs a torch from a villager and tosses it into a barrel of pitch. Flames rise to the sky.                              

Drew: Through the mist, through the wood, Through the darkness and the shadows, It's a nightmare but it's one exciting ride.                           

Henry: Say a prayer, then we're here, At the drawbridge of a castle, And there's something truly terrible inside, It's a beast, he's got fangs razor sharp ones, Massive paws, killer claws for the feast Hear him roar, see him foam, But we're not coming home

Drew: Til he's dead, good and dead

Lol I'm so sorry for being quite dead I promise to update this story more often I'm so sorry lmaooo. Anygays hoped you enjoy it! ^v^

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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