Hailey's backstory

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Soon enough, Jake recovered, he and Hailey went for little walks, everyday. Jake figured out Hailey loved reading, since that she always talked about stories and all.

So, he decided to surprise her.

Jake: Cmon Hails, I want to show you something
Hailey: What is it? (She was sitting in a rocking chair but then got up)
Jake: It's a surprise...first you need to close your eyes.
Hailey: Seriously, Jake?
Jake: Fine, if you don't close your eyes, I will

Jake closed Hailey's eyes with his giant paws.

Hailey, thinking: His paws are so soft. He's such a dork.

Hailey smiled letting Jake lead her to the surprise.

Few minutes passed.

Jake: Ok, um....I'm opening the door to the surprise, alright?
Hailey: Got it

Jake opened the doors with his foot, pushing it open.

Jake: Don't open your eyes yet! Just, um...close your eyes with your own hands, I'm going to prepare something.

Hailey nodded.

Jake opened the curtains in the room, to make the room brighter.

Jake: Now!

Hailey opened her eyes and gasped in shock.

There were books all around her.
She hugged Jake, crying with happiness.

Jake felt a huge blush come across his face, but hid it so Hailey won't notice it.

Hailey: Thank you so much! I love this!
Jake: Your welcome. Anything for you, princess. (He said, while winking)

Hailey giggled.

Hailey: Oh shut up

She admired all the books she could see.

Hailey: How come there's so many?
Jake: Well, when I was young, I read a lot with my mother. She loved reading as well, and since a lot of people didn't think reading was worth it, we bought a lot of books from the village. Before....she died...
Hailey: Oh, I'm so sorry
Jake: It's fine, besides you remind me of a lot of her. Her beautiful smile, her kind heart and intelligence.

Hailey: Did you read all of these books?
Jake: Not all of them, some of them are in Greek.
Hailey: Why would you buy Greek books when you can't even speak the language?
Jake: My mother understood Greek. But back then, I was too young to learn it, and my father didn't bother teaching me eventhough he knew. So yea
Hailey: Oh alright.

Jake left the room leaving her be.
Hailey looked at the books again.

Hailey couldn't believe what was happening before her.

After that, the snowing came rough. So, Jake decided to do something he didn't do in a long time: Play in the snow

Hailey wore some gloves, scarf and a sweater that Autumn lent.

She went outside with Jake.

Jake walked around, kicking the snow below him. Hailey took a little bit of snow, shaping it into a ball and threw it at Jake.

Hailey: Hehehe
Jake: Hm...

Jake, then took a huge load of snow and threw it at Hailey which hit her until she fell on the ground.

Three minutes later, Hailey thought Jake to be kind to animals so she gave him some nuts to feed the birds. At first the birds were scared, but one by one, they ate the nuts in Jake's hands.
Soon enough there were so many birds on him! He looked like big bird (from Sesame Street)

Jake then, wanted to repay her for teaching him kindness. He led her to the library and opened a book.

Jake: You see, this book...is not just an ordinary one, it's special. The wizard that made me into a beast, made this. But with a little torment. This book will take you anywhere around the world. But I couldn't use it, unless I was guided with a human. So..I want you to try it.
Hailey: Alright
Jake: First, think of the place where you want to be, then you must say: Take me there. Oh! And put you hand on the book

Hailey put her hand on the book. A few seconds later...
Hailey: Take me there.

The both of them appeared in a very small room.

Jake: Where did you take us?
Hailey: To London
Jake: London? Wow, this is so amazing, but what are we doing here
Hailey: This is where I used to live

Jake: What happened?
Hailey: I ...was only 17 years old. My mother passed away due to a sickness, and so my father remarried a beautiful woman with a son....Zander, my brother.
But then, Zander's father...the one who left them, came back with regret, saying he wanted to be with my mother again. But she hesitated. And regretted it...
He killed her...and my father, my brother called the police and he got arrested. So...me and my brother found a village to stay and we lived there for 3 years now.
Jake: I am so sorry to hear that
Hailey: It's alright

Hailey started crying, remembering her step mother and father.
Hailey: Can we please go back?
Jake: Of course
They then, appeared back at the castle

Hailey went to her room and decided forget what happened and rested.

Jake, however felt guilt, for making her feel sad...but decided to forget as well.

Rosy: I know for a fact that they're bound to figure it out
Yohan: Figure out what?
Rosy: I'll tell you when you're older.
Yohan turned around and faced his mother
Yohan (deep voice): Ok, I'm older now
Rosy laughed
Rosy: Oh, Yohan! Really, you're so funny.

Oh hey, guys! Thank you so much for reading this story, hoped you enjoyed, lol.

I just want to say thank you for following me, reading ,voting on my work. And the comments? They make my day.

So, yea

Random question: What's your phone battery (if you are using a phone now)
Mine is 90% ...wait no 89% now.

The reason my phone has a lot of percent, it's because it's morning........ 11 a.m

So yea, and again thank you so much for reading this and if you want to see more of me, subscribe to my YouTube channel which is Probably Leia, just search it on YouTube it will pop up

Ok bye!

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