The mysterious castle

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Zander's pov
There was a beautiful castle before my eyes. I decided to walk forward to seek some warmth and food. I was hungry and cold.

Then, I noticed my horse, Brii. She needed food too. Luckily there was a horse stable and good hay for her to eat. I settled her and munched it up.

I walked towards the big doors and opened it.

Nobody's pov
Zander closed the door behind him, and placed his coat on a coat holder (idk what its name lol)

He observed his surroundings a little.

Milly the little candlestick: Hey, Sean! There's a visitor!
Sean the big candlestick rolled his eyes.

Sean: I know! I said I lost my hair not my eyes, and by the way, who cares? He can't be the chosen one. Master told us many times he's not gay, he's straight.

Milly: I know that! But as the saying goes, when one person comes, another comes too
Sean: I never heard that saying before
Milly: I made it up
Sean: Seriously?
Milly: Shush! He's coming this way!

Zander came across the two candlesticks, he touched them, admiring them.

Zander: Beautiful (under his breath)

Then, he walked away to investigate some more.

Milly: He was talking about me
Sean: No, he was talking to me

Zander found a room which had a piano, he wanted to play it, but noticed it was playing by itself and stopped. He decided to find food and not waste his time investigating.

He found the dining room, it was really fancy with a very long table, but only one dish.

Zander: Mister! Or Miss? It would do me great if you let me stay, I'm very hungry and I feel cold, would it be a bother?


Zander: I guess that means yes.

He gobbled up a turkey and ham, and ate grapes and cheese together (canabalism 😡!)

Then he noticed a cup full of tea sliding towards his direction. The cup actually talked!

Cup: Hey there, I'm Len! Nice to meet you!

Zander screamed like he saw a spider and ran to get his coat, he then realized the wolves were back there, so he took his horse went around the castle to the other side.

Zander: Thank you for your hospitality, but I need to go

He turned away from the castle and saw the most beautiful red roses he have ever seen. They were quite fluffy but very pretty.

Zander remembered his sister's request so, without asking permission, he plucked a rose and when he got it......

He got jumpscared by an unknown person, he dragged Zander by his foot and Brii? She fled.

She ran and ran and ran to find Hailey, and found her.

Hailey: Brii? Where's Zander?
Hailey, thinking: She does this when were in trouble
Hailey: Take me to Zander, Brii

Brii galloped with Hailey on her back and reached the castle.

She left Brii outside and opened the door.
Hailey: Hello?

Milly: See what I told you? The saying was correct
Sean: Oh shut up. It's a girl this time, do you think master will come to like her?
Milly: Of course! He's a simp after a-

Hailey: Who's there (she said Turing to see Sean and Milly)

She took Milly and went up the stairs

Sean: Oh no

Hailey went up the stairs and came across some prison cells, then, she saw Zander in one of them.

Hailey: Zander?
Zander: Hailey? What the hell are you doing here?
Hailey: I should ask you the same thing
Zander: Listen, Hailey, run! Before he comes back!
Hailey: I am not leaving you here, Zander, your hands are as cold as ice. And, what do you mean by 'he'?

She heard loud feet landing on the floor.
Zander: That's him
Hailey: Hey, you! Let my brother go!
???: No! He is a thief!
Hailey: What? What did he steal?
???: A rose
Hailey: Are you serious? You're locking him here just because if a rose?
???: That rose is important to me
Hailey: I'm the one that asked for the rose, you should take me!
Zander: Hailey! What are you doing!
Hailey: Saving your life
???: He touched it! So, HE must be punished

Hailey, being curious, didn't quite see the face properly.

Hailey: Come into the light

He looked away.

Hailey decided to find out herself so she put the light near his face and gasped.

Right before her, was a beast.

The beast growled.

Beast: Get out of here
Hailey: Tell me your name
Beast: My name is Jake

Hailey: Can I please say my last goodbye to him.

Jake groaned.

Hailey: Are you that cold hearted you can't even let a girl say goodbye to her brother?

Jake unlocked the cell and said to her: Three minutes.

Hailey hugged her brother tightly.

Zander: It's ok, Hailey, I'll be fine. I'm strong
Hailey: Says the one who can't defend himself from spiders
Zander: You know I have arachnophobia!

Zander: But, Hailey, you need to live a life... just make your own living, and forget about me
Hailey: Forget you? I would never, Zander, you are the one closest to my heart, I will never let you go
Zander: It's ok, Hailey, shhh

They hugged again.

Hailey: Ok...
Zander: Good
Hailey: I promise I will get out of here soon
Zander: Wait wha-

Hailey yeeted her brother away from the cell and closed the cell.

Jake: You sacrificed yourself to free him
Hailey: He's my brother
Jake: He's a fool...and so are you

He walked away and dragged poor Zander.

Hailey: And, so are you (muttering)

Jake: Whatever
Jake, thinking: She looks so cute when she's mad..agh, what are you saying? You can't fall in love with her, her brother is a thief.

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