3. Midnight Whimpers

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My eyes fluttered open when the hot sun's rays were dancing on my face. I groaned, turning around and trying to get rid of the pain my head was suddenly giving me. I didn't drank anything yesterday so a hangover was definitely not possible. To be honest, I've never had a hangover. I wasn't the type of girl, I guess. The lifestyle of getting high or drunk and hooking up with different guys ever weekend wasn't just mine. Call me old or loyal, but I actually wanted to stay innocent. First, because my parents would throw me out if I turned on them and secondly, because success is the key. Not losing.

Biting my lip, I reached out for my phone, secretly hoping I had received a message from the Sexgod. A small smile was placed on my lips as I read the letters "1 new Message". But soon enough a frown was covering my whole face when I realized it was only Nancy. And not Jason.

Bowling tonight at 9. You up for it? XO

I chuckled at Nancys "XO". She always put it behind every message she sent. Even if she was angry. It almost seemed to be a bad habbit of hers when yet again I didn't believe she had such things. She was literally perfect, let me tell you that. Sighing, I grabbed my phone in both of my hands, answering her.

Gonna ask my parents first. Will tell you later :)

Taking a deep breath, I thought about my parents. I had to make up a lame excuse since I wasn't sleeping at Nancy's. They hated when I lied to them even though that hasn't happened a lot. Yeah, I'm a loser.

Standing up, I put on some lazy clothes because I wasn't in the mood to dress up yet. I strolled down the stairs, already seeing my mother, Trisha, standing at the door frame. "Good morning, young lady." She greeted me, giving me a small smile. "I thought you were sleeping over at your friend Nancy's?" She immediately questioned, making me bite my lip. "We got into a fight. But everything's good now so she invited me to some bowling tonight..." I trailed off, hoping she would get message. Raising her eyebrows, she scanned my emotionless face. "Why don't you ask your father?" My mother asked, turning her face to the kitchen where my dad was reading some magazine.

I simply nodded, walking over to him. "Good morning, dad." I whispered, kissing his cheek. "Morning, sweetheart." He replied, glancing at me before turning his eyes to the article he was reading again. "So you and Nancy want to go bowling tonight?" He broke the silence that overcame us. I hated silence. "Yep" I simply said, bopping my head a little. "What time will it start?" My dad asked once more, dropping the magazine on the table. "At 9. So I'll probably be back at 11. I won't wake you up though." I quickly added the last sentence, so he wouldn't worry about it that much.

Nodding his head, he went back to the article about global warming, "11PM and not later." Giving me a quick but intense stare, he coughed from the coffe my mother always made.

Just the two of us?

I asked Nancy, hoping she would say yes. I really wasn't in the mood for other guys, especially not for people I didn't know at all.

Bored shit. Me, you, the gang. Except Dennis he left the town for today. XO

I groaned once I read "the gang". Biting my lip, I thought about it. Jason hasn't texted me even though he wanted my number. Maybe he wasn't so interested in me after all. I wouldn't be able to bowl and be all happy with Nancy tonight, knowing I was probably just a planned fuck for yesterday. Well, too bad he didn't get me then. Scoffing, I remembered to reply Nancy.

Okay. You gonna pick me up?

I clicked "send", when another message of Nancy floated in.

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