21. Teddy Kisses

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I opened the front door as silence filled the whole house, signalizing me that nobody was home, just like always. It was rare that I had company until evening when my mother and father returned from work. But as in right now, my father still was on his business trip and my mother was out working. Sighing, I threw my jacket on the couch before stumbling out of my shoes. My head was still full of Jasons words when I remembered not being able to concentrate the slightest bit on the biology exam.

It was easy so I can't ssay Drake lied. But everytime I read through a sentence, Jason popped into my mind, leaving me to read it over and over again. And even when I finally got it, I had trouble forming an answer. This guy got me so bad that it seemed impossible, not mentioning I had never experienced such things. I couldn't help but asking myself if Jason was ever in love or in a serious relationship because I sure as hell wasn't.

Dragging myself upstairs, a smile formed on my lips as my cheeks heated up. You are more adorable, he said. He thought I was adorable. Opening my door, I stopped in tracks as I noticed something was different from todays morning. The curtains were messy as if someone pulled them open and back together a lot of times. My eyes finally found my bed and there was something way different.

Stepping closer, a gasp left my lips. A teddy bear was sitting on top of it with a big heart in his hands, looking as adorable as nothing else in this world. Or maybe Jason. Rose petals were spread all over my sheets and I didn't want to know how long it took for the person to actually decorate this. A note laid beside the bear and I recognized the chicken scratch right away.

I still miss you badly

A smile formed itself on my face, leaving me speechless. I didn't think Jason could be that romantic. Wait scratch that, I didn't think he could be romantic at all. Sighing happily, I picked up the teddy bear, pulling it close to feel his smooth skin. Turning around to grab my phone, I searched through my contacts until my thumb hit the right call button. It started ringing, making me bite on my lip nervously.

"Hello?" The husky voice answered as I just cut him off, "Dennis, you need to come over. Right now." I explained, not knowing whether I should be happily excited or freaking out. He laughed, probably sensing what happened but it didn't matter at that time. "It's really, really, really important." I chuckled, jumping up and down, the bear still in my other hand. Dennis laughed as I heard him slamming a door shut, "Everything alright? Did he propose?" I rolled my eyes, groaning at his irony, "No! But if you hurry I will show, just hurry!" I bounced up and down again, desperately wanting to show him what happened.

"Alright, I'll be there in 10, doll." He chuckled at my behaviour when he audible started the car, "I hope you'll be still alive when I arrive." He joked causing me to groan once more which only made him laugh harder. Hanging up, I was glad to have a friend like him who was actually interested in what happened in my life. Nancy and me got along pretty well and I couldn't be more grateful for that as well. It seemed like everything was going up.

I laid the bear back onto the bed, making sure it was in the same spot as when I picked it up, only to have Dennis see the same picture like I did when I walked into my room. Waiting and waiting, growing impatient, I grunted when he still hadn't arrived but everything disappeared once the doorbell rang, sending me down the stairs in seconds. Opening the door harshly, I greeted him with a quick hug, already pulling him inside.

He laughed, shaking his head, "Oh god, slow down." He pulled up his sleeves, showing off his many tattoos just like Jason. "I have to show you something!" I sang, running up the stairs as I heard him follow me. Reaching my room, I opened it, pointin to my bed. Dennis furrowed his eyebrows at me before he finally approached my bed. Smirking proudly, I crossed my arms over my chest, raising my eyebrows when he looked back at me with a smirk.

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