7. Amazon Forests

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Third Person

"I told you I'm sorry. I feel like I'm apologizing for the millionth time now. I know words are shit compared to actions, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Nancy spoke, pouting as she stared at her best friend, Milena.

She shook her head, closing her locker before speeding off to math. Oh how she loved math. Find the mistake.

Or should I say error?

Nancy sighed, looking down as she bit her lip. Never ever has Milena Brooks been mad at her. And when never is being said, never is being meant.

She shrugged, knowing everything will be fine in about a week, just like always. Or at least thats what she hoped for. As a matter of fact, she didn't want to lose her best friend of five years over something stupid.

Sitting down, Milena let out a loud sigh, which was filled with stress. It was true: At the moment she was stressed as hell; She got in trouble with her parents and almost raped back a few weeks ago. Who else could she blame aside Jason and his super cool gang? Exactly, no one.

Suddenly someone pressed their hand on her petite back, causing her to snap her head to her left. "Hey princess." Drake mumbled, smiling at the beautiful woman in front of him. Her face quickly colored itself in a deep red as she remembered their impact two days ago.

"Enjoying the book?" He asked, raising his eyebrows once he noticed how embarrassed she felt. Quickly nodding, she put her hands up, trying to cover herself a little. "It's pretty good." She added, looking down, her hair falling into her face.

"Good," He started, glancing up to see if the teacher has arrived yet, "I heard you and Jason are kinda close?" He licked his lips, eying her up and down.

Milena shook her head, "No? No. Never were, never will." She stated, removing her hands, hoping he would take her seriously. He nodded his head in appreciation, "Good, because he's you know... Bad news. Incredibly bad news."

She furrowed her eyebrows, suddenly interested in what direction he's going. He wasn't that bad after all, or? Was he playing some kind of sick game and covered his bad act up in front of her?

"What do you mean with 'incredibly bad news'?" She asked, fumbling with her fingers as she was excited about what he was going to say.

Maybe Drake didn't even want to tell her the truth but just fuck around with her a little. Or maybe he didn't know himself and judged Jason by some things he heard about him.

"I mean what I said, incredibly bad news." He answered, looking her directly in the eye which almost made her quite insecure and uncomfortable. When Milena didn't answer, he took it as a sign to continue.

Taking a deep breath, he put his hands together, "I heard he raped a 14 year old a few weeks ago and then stabbed her six times." He started, looking up to see if anyone specific was paying attention, but no. No one was interested in whatever they were talking about.

Her heart froze as a frown was placed on her plump lips. She didn't think it was true but then yet again she has seen him overreacting and pissed off so she couldn't completely say if it was true or not. But she guessed she had to ask Nancy. After they made up.

"Are you sure? He doesn't seem to be that type of guy..." Milena trailed off, wanting Drake to be honest with her at least when it came to Jason. He nodded his head, "Yeah. Rumors say he's a drug dealer and a murderer." He pressed his lips in a thin line, secretly hoping she would believe him.

But he was just telling her what he has heard and what people told him about Jason. Nothing more and nothing less.

She nodded her head, understanding what he was trying to tell her: To stay away from Smoke.

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