Hilary's introduction

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"Damn the sun is super bright! I thought to myself as the sun light beams on my face through my glass window.I just wanted to sleep this pain away for the rest of the summer till I get prepared to go back to college after the summer break. Before break I got my heart broken by my ex boyfriend who's name is Damien. He is the star football player and I am the the head cheerleader of William Heights college. It all started three weeks ago. We been together for two years. I thought Damien was the one for me. It all started when I met his parents for the first time. They seemed alright until they showed their ignorance. They asked me about my eyes , asking if I had fake contacts because they never seen a black girl with blue eyes. I told them they were my real eye color then they said I must of been mixed because "black girls can't have blue eyes" When I corrected his old saggy breasted mother and damn near dead looking father about blsck people existing with all types of hair and eye color,they  had the nerve say alot of racist stuff , so we got into a huge argument and then Damien told me I was wrong because I stormed out of his parents house recording all the racist things they said about me and black people. Well that's okay I made sure I posted them all over my social media. I asked him if he even gave his parents the heads up about me being black and his stupid ass said they're old fashioned. We got into a heated argumen and haven't spoke for months.. He finaly apologized but then I also found out he cheated on me with a girl from the another school and the whole college Campus was talking about it. Honestly I dont need a man like that. But it still hurts because I thought Damien understood me.  I felt like a fool. Damien was my first everything. What made matters worse was people who I thought were my friends were laughing at me behind my back and I felt like I wanted to move far away, but I had to finish the stupid college because my father spent alot of money on it. I Only had one true friend and that was Kesha. The only thing is she doesn't go to my college. "Hilary get yo  ass up! My best friend Kesha said banging on my bed room door. I am guessing my mother wasn't home because she was so loud the neighbors could hear. I opened the door slowly only exposing half of my face. "I'm up I said in a sad tone. "How did you get in here by the way? "Girl you know I got a spare key. Kesha said pushing herself in my room. "Wait when did I give you a spare key? "You didn't I took your key and got another one made. "I didn't know. Kesha looked from the left to the right. "Forget about that, Let's get you to looking like you again, I been calling you , texting you and I even sent you messages online. "He'll! I even wrote you a letter. I smiled at Kesha she's so silly. She's like an aggressive mother who wants best for her children. "You're going to have fun today I know you ain't trippin over that racist boy. "I told you that Damien was a demon I never liked him. Kesha said. Kesha never like Damien she felt like he was too controlling over me. Which was true. Damien would  want to tell me how to dress, when I was allowed to hang out with my friends,  and hated it when I put on makeup. Kesha and Damien would argue about that.  "Bestie it hurts so bad and Damien isn't racist but his parents are. "I said leaning on her shoulder as she sat on my bed with me. Kesha rolled her eyes. "Keep telling yourself that. "At the end of the day that asshole doesn't deserve you. "You're right. I told her. "How do I get over this heart break? Well I'm glad you asked. Kesha says springing up from the bed. "Get your gorgeous ass in the shower so I can take you out. Kesha said smiling. I have A whole day planned for us and the circus is in town, its all on me so get ready. I got in the shower and slapped on a simple strapless black dress with some matching sandles.  Its time to have some fun, I missed my bestfriend. Kesha said hugging me tight. She was right the summer was here and this would be a great time to change instead of stay in the house and feel miserable over a white guy who had didn'tsee the issue with his parents ignorance. At first I wanted to reject her offer but she was right. Damien never cared for me enough if he decided to cheat on me and humiliate me as well. I was a head cheerleader and was always known to have a perfect life. I finally seen every thing wasn't sugar and rainbows when my parents divorced and seeing how people really felt about me.  I got dressed in just a tank top and some gym shorts and my flip-flops I threw my hair in a ponytail. "So where to bestie? "I want to get a haircut. "Are you serious? It took you like four years to grow your hair down to your back and you know us sistas take forever to grow our hair. "Yes I want to cut it all off. Kesha shook her head. "Okay bestie let's get this over with. We arrived to a hair shop called Beauty Cuties. I came in looking nervous. Kesha held my hand like a mother trying to comfort her baby. "You dont have to do this if you dont want to bestie.I was thinking about backing out bit I wanted to show everyone when I go back to William Heights they can kiss my black ass even if it do grow back before the summer. When a woman cut her hair off or shorten it she gets stronger and transform into a the person she needs to be. I smiled at Kesha, "No I think it's time. Kesha just smiled and we signed our names on yhe paper. A heavy set black woman who looked to be in her thirties called me next. I went up to her. She was very nice and friendly and told me she had grand kids.  I was shocked. This woman didn't look old enough to be a grandmother. "Did your son have children at a young age. The lady giggled. "Oh no my dear I'm 60 years old. "I couldn't believe this woman was in her sixties. She dressed so lively and the way she had on her jewelry  no one would have thought this woman was 60 years old. After the woman was done with my hair I thanked her and asked how much. "You know what its on me.. She told me.. I hugged her and said thank you before me and Kesha left the shop.My hair cut in a little curly afro, I loved it. Kesha smiled at me. "Okay bestie , slayyyy! She shouted in excitement. I smiled then we headed to the spa and we got our nails done afterwards and got outfits to go to the circus. I wore a cute little pink dress and matching sandles and did my make up  . Kesha wore a pink tank top and some jeans with some matching pink jordans. Her hair was in box braids and she just slapped on lip gloss. We looked like dolls. We decided to ride my red corvet. As we rode through the night we blasted Foxy Brown, Rihanna, Beyonce and Nikki Minaj in the car. We was singing and having fun. We decided to end the night with going to the circus.
. All eyes were on us as we entered the giant circus tent.Guys were checking us out even women were checking us out. We got alot of compliments. "Hillary is that you? We turned to see Damien. "No its yo momma! Kesha snapped. Damien rolled his eyes. " I wasnt speaking to you. I didn't pay Damien any mind
"Wow you look incredible he said. "Thanks I said. Kesha and I continued to go on our way. "Wait! Damien said grabbing my arm. It made me think of the time I was hanging out with Kesha and her cousins Kenya and Kendal. We were at this water park. He called me to come to him so he could drag me from the water park and scoled me about my bathing suit being to revealing. "I pulled my arm away from him and he looked at me in shocked. "I miss you and im sorry for all the things I have done. I forgive you I said. As a crowd of people appeared in our way I grabbed Kesha"s hand and we made our escape. Me and Kesha was laughing at how we dipped on Damien. We sat down and made sure to blend with the crowd but As the show began to start that's when I seen him. The man who changed my life forever.

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