Hillary been kidnapped*Hisoka's pov

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It has been a week since Hillary's father died. Im here  at the funeral getting greetings and thanks for support from her family members Kesha and her mother came for support.  Hillary haven't been herself lately. She's been trying to skip breakfast, lunch, and dinner but I had to make sure she ate. At times I had to threatened her to eat.  Luckily Kesha is here to help me keep her sain.I noticed Hillary's mother  got a phone  call, so I decided to ease drop on her  conversation.  She gets up and walk towards outside. She goes outside and sit on a bench. "Yes everything is falling into plan. I just need you to get rid of Hillary and all his money will be mines. "Well duh Hisoka felled this mission I know you and the rest of the Phantom Troupe and kill them in a split second. I heard her say. "Nice chatting with you Chrollo. I went back inside the funeral home wanting to kill Hillary's mother. I had to find Hillary and get her far away from her mother as possible. "Hisoka. Hillary said as she fell into my strong arms. I picked her up I noticed she was feeling warm. I rushed her to the hospital. I texted Kesha from her phone letting her know to come alone. "Oh my God what happened?!  Kesha said rushing into the room where Hillary was laying in her bed peacefully. "I don't know we just got here. "Hisoka why did you leave and not tell her family. "I have something to tell you. Mrs Rose is the one who got Mr Rose killed. "What Hisoka,  this is no time for games. "I'm dead serious Kesha. I would stay far from Mrs Rose as possible. "I dont understand. "I don't either but I'm about to find out. Stay here with Hillary. I'm going to the house. I drove to the house not caring if I was speeding or not I packed me and Hillary's things and put them in my car. I called Illumi. "Hello. He said. "Illumi I need your help. "I want you to keep an eye on the Phantom Troupe. "Okay. He said. I went to the house and I heard the song meeting in my bedroom by this rnb group named Silk. Hillary's mother was dressed up in red lingerie and smelled of scented roses. "I have been waiting for you Hisoka she said walking towards me seductively. "Why would you kill him? I questioned. Mrs Rose smiles at me and sips a glass of what smells like Brandy. "That man ruined my life with a baby." He used to love me but then Hillary comes along. So I called you to put a hit on Hillary but you fell in love."Everything was about Hillary this and Hillary that. "What about me. She said softly as she grabbed my face forcing a kiss on me. "You are nuts lady. I punched her in the face. She falls on the ground. "I call Kesha to check on Hillary but I was punched in the back of my head. "Dont waste your time calling your little princess. "Said a familiar voice. I turned to see it was Uvo. "Shalnark probably has her all ready. "The anger rose up inside of  me as I activated my bungee gum wrapped it around his entire body. "What the hell us going on , why is it melting my skin! Uvo shouted. "Yes I've been try some new tricks with my bungee gum. "Now tell me where do Shalnark plan on taking Hillary? "Burn in hell! He said. "My aren't you a tough one. I said teasingly. I guess I'll be the one  leaving you to your own death ,have fun Uvo it was nice knowing you. He screamed and I walked out the house as if nothing happened. I walked into the hospital to see a mascre. The lady who usually greets me and Hillary was laying on the pool in her own blood along with alot of people in the front office. I rushed through the emergency doors walking up hall seeing dead doctors and nurses. "Kesha. I called. "I heard make a bird call to me from a nearby bathroom. "Hisoka is that you. The voice whispered. "Kesha is that you? I called.  Kesha came out the bathroom crouching as she tip toed towards me. "Its okay you can walk normally. "What the hell is going on? "Kesha demanded. I let out a long sigh. Kesha I don't know if you believe me but Mrs Rose was out to kill Hillary so she could get the rest of Mr Rose's money who she killed. She hired This man name Chrollo to kill her and she tried to kiss me. "This is too much to take in. "Where is your mother? I questioned. "Oh ma you can come out now. Kesha's mother came walking out of the bathroom lookingas if she was half sleep. "I need you two to.come with me ill take you home. "No take me with you to find Hillary. "I already put Hillary and our child in enough danger. I promise Illumi and I will find her as soon as possible. "I dont understand why would her mother do all of this said Kesha furiously. "She's crazy just don't go near her. I dmade it to Kesha's house. Kesha pulls her mother out gently.  "Wait Hisoka. "Yes. "Tell Illumi I said hi and please bring Hillary back in one peace. "I promise you I'll save Hillary. I drove off to the airport fast as I could. I didn't see any signs of Hillary. Luckily I put a chip inside all of Hillary's bras and shoes to track her down. My phone rang, it was Illumi. "Hey, I killed two of the Phantom Troupes. "The rest are not at their original hide out. "Thats okay I put trackers on certain parts of Hillary's clothing. I told him. There was a long silence over the phone."What the hell? Illumi said on the other line. "Just meet me at the airport and Kesha told me to tell you hi. "She did! Illumi's voice sound like he was excited. He clears his throat on the other line. "What ever. He said playing it cool. I'll see you at the airport. We hung up and I rushed to the airport to YorkNew City.

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