Getting closer to Hisoka

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His eyes locked with mines, they were like a pretty golden color, his hair was im this weird slicked back afro style. This tall pale man wearing a black outfit like some kind of Jester. He gave me the chills. Even though I blended in with the crowd he seem to only notice me. He pulled out a hat out of thin air. I was impressed as so was the rest of the crowd who was clapping and cheering. "How did he do that we here some people in the crowd say. He puts his hand up, signaling for everyone to be quiet. The second trick he pulled out a flat blue carpet. The kind of carpet from Disney's movie Alladin . He throws the hat in thin air and it dissappears. "He did it again! Said some if the people in the audience. The carpet was kinda floppy but he throws it in thin air and it straightened out on all four corners. It just stayed in the air. Everyone clapped again. The man signaled for silence and he pointed his finger at me. " His finger was telling me to come to him. I knodded my head no with a smile. "Bestie he really want you up there. Kesha said nudging me to go up to him but before i could do anything the carpet started flying towards me. I wanted to run but it felt like I couldn't move until the carpet stopped. It then wrapped me up in it like making a human cigarette. "Whats going on? "I panicked. It unwrapped itself and I was on stage with the magician. Once again there was cheering and clapping. " Get em bestie! Kesha shouted. He smiled. "Dont be afraid beautiful. "May I guess your name? He said.I knodded yes. He takes the hat from thin air again reach in it and pulls out a piece of paper with my name on it. The crowd cheers and get louder. He then asked me to be his assistant for the night. And I agreed to. "Go bestie! Shouted Kesha. I smiled and waved at her. The audience awwed us. As time went by being this man's assistant but it felt like we was bonding on the stage. There was alot of flirting and laughing between us. We had chemistry it seemed.The magician hands me a flowers. "I enjoyedyour company he says smiling at me. I hugged him after our final act and the crowd adored us. "Bye Hillary. The man said before I could get ask him anymore questions A pink envelope landed on my feet. I opened it it was a card saying happy birthday to me with a dimond crab necklace that said Cancer. "Happy birthday pretty eyes. After that amazing night me and Kesha talked about all the fun we had and went home. She had to visit her grandmother for the week so the nextday I decided to treat myself to some ice cream in my town. After I ordered my vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles I sat down at a table. I heard a familiar voice. " Hillary. I looked up it was Damien with some friends. I just ignored him and continued to enjoy my ice-cream. "Hey! "I'm talking to you Hillary! Damien snapped. "Damien just leave her alone. Said one of his friends. "Fuck that bitch said his friend Claton. Claton was Damien's best friend. He was the only black guy who hung out with Damien and his friends. He would always say bad stuff about black women even though he had dark skin and was nlack himself. "Shut up Claton. Claron rolled his eyes. "Your mother is a bitch. I said calmly. "Watch who you speaking to! Claton snapped. "Hey dont speak to Claton like that! Damien demanded. "Hey all of you boys can leave. Said Mr Chuck. Mr Chuck was the owner of the ice-cream shop. "Are you okay Hillary? Mr Chuck asked. I smiled im fine, thank you. I said smiling as I continued to enjoy my ice-cream. "Just let me know if you need anything. Mr Chuck was an old man who was lonely. He lost his wife and daughter on a car accident. Sometimes when Kesha and I have free time we come by just to keep him company. I ended up staying at that shop longer5han expected. I doze off reading a story. "Your finally up. Said Mr Chuck. I looked outside and seen it was close to getting dark outside. "I'm about to close up the shop soon , would you like a ride home. I yawned and stretched my arms out. "No ill be fine i said. "Okay. Mr Chuck drove out of the parking lot the same time I decided to go to the park listening to music on my phone. I sat on a bench at the park listening to music and admiring the sunset. I was enjoying my self. Sadly my peace came to an end. I was grabbed by the back of my neck. "It was Damien. He was by himself. "Damien what are you doing ?I said as he loosens his frip from my neck. "I'm tired of this attitude of yours Hillary. "I been trying to be nice to you and you want to treat me like I dont exist. He said pinning me up against a huge tree. His hands squeezing my wrist tight. "Let me go you're hurting me! I screamed. Damien puts a knife up to my throat. "Now Hillary, I don't want to hurt you. "I want us to be together again. "I want to be single for a while. Damien stabs my shoulder blade. I scream. He was about to stab me again but his wrist was cut with a card. Not just any cards but The Ace of Spades. What the fuck! Damien scream dropping the knife. "If I was you I would turn and go home. Said a familiar voice. It was him it was that magician from the circus. He had his hair down and dressed casuallythis time. "Next time it'syour neck. He said. "Youll pay for this said Damien. "Than you for saving me. I said as I ran to hug him. "I'mjust glad you're safe. "Whats your name? I questioned. "Hisoka. He said smiling at me. "I was hoping to see you again. I said nervously. "You couldof just came back to the circus. "Yeah I guess I wasn't thinking about that. "Thank you for the necklace. "You're welcome. "Come on lets walk you home. "Is ut okay of we hang out I dont want to go home just yet, I want to get to know the man who saved me. "What did you have in mind? First lets go see a movie, ill pay. I told him. "Whatdid you want to go see? "The Sleezy Slasher! I said excitedly. "Thats funny I dont take you for a horror moviekind of person. I smiled at Hisoka. "Are you kidding I love horror films! I said excitedly. We walked to the movies just talking and finding out we had alot in common. "We made it to the movie theater. I was about to pay for the tickets but Hisoka payed instead. "You didn't have to pay. I told him. " Dont worry about it. He said. We watched the Sleezy Slasher together and ened up laughing when the victims screamed and ran from the killer. People turned to look at us with concerned looks on their faces.After the movies Hisoks walked me home. "Hisoka. "Yes he said calmly. "I really enjoyed your company tonight. "The feeling is mutual he said. I was going to ask him for his number but he handed me his phone. "Put your number in my phone I would like to see you again. Hisoka said blushing and looking away from me. "Was he being shy just now? That is too cute I thought. We finally made it to my house. "This is my house. Hisoka looked at my house. "You're living good I see. "Yeah but it can feel so lonely sometimes in this big house. "If you want some company I can come over whenever you're ready. "That would be fine I said smiling. "Well ill come see you tomorrow at five.
I couldn't believe Hisoka and I had so much in common and we had fun again together. I really liked Hisoka. He was my hero I don't think I could ever stop feeling how I felt for him. As the weeks went by I spent most of my summer with Hisoka and told Kesha about us. She was a little hesitant about me and him but she was happy I was happy. Sadly I wasn't going to see Kesha on my birthday she was out of town taking care of her grandmother. Even though I missed Kesha I still had fun with Hisoka. We even played hide and seek in the house. He chased me around and grabbed me. He tackled me down to the couch downstairs. We were laughing until we noticed he was on top of me. We stared at each other. I felt my face getting red through my brown cheeks. His face got red as well. "Why don't we watch a movie. Hisoka turned on the TV. An ad for condoms popped onthe screen. I turned the TV to another channel and it was a couple having sex. "You know what Hillary, ill call you I should get going it's getting late. He said. "Sure let me walk you to the door. I walked Hisoka to the door and we awkwardly said bye to one another. After that awkward night Hisoka and I still hung out and my birthday was approaching. We was at the beach playing in the water. We splashed each other in the water and surfed together on the same board. The waves died down. We faced each other sitting on the board . "What do you want for your birthday? Hisoka questioned. "Well just come to my house. I told him. "Thats all? he questioned. "Yes I told him. "Come at night. I told him. "Okay Hisoka said. "It was nine at night. Hisoka knocked on the door. I opened the door with a long jacket and some slippers. Hisoka looked at me confused but before he could say anything I ended up pointing my eyes towards the roses he had in his hand and a small bag. "For me? I questioned. "Of course he said. He followed me in the house. He gave me the small bag and inside was a blue box with a charm bracelet that spelled my name. I jumped on Hisoka and hugged him. " I love it. I told him."Come here Hisoka I want to show you something. I lead Hisoka to my bedroom and Sar him down on my bed. "Wait Hillary before you say anything I wanted to tell you I have to leave back to Mt home town. Hisoka said Sadly looking at the ground. I was sad hearing that. I grew feelings for Hisoka. I wasn't going to let that ruin what I had planned for the two of us. I wanted to give him a nice goodbye. I took off my jacket exposing my pink lingerie. Hisoka's eyes lit up. "Hisoka I want you to connect with me for my birthday.

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