Chapter 8

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Elena was in her room laying with her daughter who was still in shock. She was rubbing Naya's hair trying to get her to calm down. When she finally got her to go to sleep she slowly got up out the bed. She didn't want to wake her up she needed her rest but she wanted to check on Heaven. She had to know that she was ok. She opened her door slowly not to disrupt her sleeping daughter and walked out closing the door behind her. She went to the medwing she walked in and she found Hayley sitting by the paitent bed which Heaven was laying on back in her human form. Emma was checking her out and making sure that she was ok.

"Is she ok?"

Emma looked over to her with a smile nodding slowly."She is fine i took the stick out stopped the bleeding and she has been healed and i got the no magic bracelet off of her. She hasn't woke up yet."


"She is going to be fine i promise i want to take a look at Naya to make sure that she is ok."


Elena was sitting in her office but she couldn't focus. Heaven and Naya were in their rooms on a strict resting order. She was happy that theywere ok. But she was worried they both had gotten really hurt today and she wasn't there to protect them.

"Are you ok?"

She looked up and seen Kol."How did you get in here?"

"I just walke din but you didn't see me are you ok."

Elena took a breath she didn't think that she had a good answer for that her daughter got hurt and her niece and that was the only thing that was on her mind right now.."Is that a real question she got hurt today i wasn't paying attention  and she got hurt. Naya got hurt and Heaven got hurt and i had no clue what was happening until Hope got here."

"You were going around the school looking for them you did know there was something wrong you just couldn't place it. They are both fine sometime you can't always be their and i know it sounds shitty but they are stronger then they look."

She stood slowly she needed to take her time. She knew that he was right she couldn't always be there and they were stronger than they looked."When did you get so wise?"

"I'm a thousand years old. I've learned a few things."

"Naya likes you being here and i don't mind but flirt better at least. I have to go check on them."

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