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Naya was sitting with Josie."What did you hear?" Now that she knew that Josie had been listening she wanted to know what she heard.

"Nothing." Josie lied she was a little mad that Naya hadn't been the one to tell her. She hated that she had to over hear it from her and Heaven.

"Don't lie to me Josie i know you heard something."  Naya wasn't backing down she knew that Josie was lying.

Josie shook her head she wouldn't admit it."Why does everyone assume that i heard something i don't know what yall think i heard because i didn't hear anything"

"My mom  said that you were eavesdropping when me and Heaven were talking?" If her mom said it she knew that Josie had said something.

Josie sighed giving in she didn't get why Naya couldn't have just told her and got it over with."Why were you so scared to tell me? Were not related at all occasionally i refer to as my sister but she's not, and she never will be." Elena wasn't really related to her that was just her moms best friend.

"I don't even know how Heaven found out." Naya wished she knew how Heaven had figured it out all them years ago. But she didn't have time to think about that right now.

"Maybe i was eavesdropping but i do wish that you had told me." She got that she was scared but so was Josie she had been scared Naya would never like her like she did her.

"I didn't know how i was supposed to tell you."

Josie took her hand intertwining their fingers."Now your stuck with me."
Heaven Hope and Lizzie were eavesdropping on Naya and Josie."It's about time that they got together." Heaven had been waiting on this forever and now it was finally happening and she couldn't be happier.


The girls turned around and seen their mothers. They were not supposed to get caught listening in."What are you three doing?"

"Nothing?"Lizzie lied she didn't want to admit that she had been listening into Naya and Josie.

"Why are you two in here?" Hope asked she knew that the party was now over and that they were supposed to be getting ready for bed. So why were their mothers in here being nosey.

"Why do you think that were doing something?" Heaven countered she knew that she was doing something but how did they know that she was doing something.

"Cause your up against Naya's door being nosey does she know that your out here." Caroline asked she knew what Heaven was trying to do and it wasn't going to work. Caroline knew that they were being nosey and they needed to stop.

Hayley crossed her arms over her chest and gave a pointed look to her daughters. She wasn't falling for this."Did you even open your presents yet."

Hope and Heaven shook their head."We were waiting on Naya."

"Stop it go to your rooms now. You already managed to change into comfortable clothes how about go thank everyone else for coming." Caroline knew that they didn't thank the people that showed up for the party so that would actually be a good idea for them to do that.
Elena was sitting with Kol she had changed into shorts and a t-shirt and he changed out of his suit and was in sweats. They were playing with Henrick she could tell that he was happy that she had gotten pregnant the second time. She was to she was happy they were finally getting the chance to be a family.

"Where is Naya?" He hadn't seen his daughter since they did the cake and that was weirrd.

"Probably talking to Josie i would assume." Elena just looked up at him. She wasn't sure if he knew that they were into girls or not."Naya Heaven and Hope are all bisexual you didn't know that."

"Nik owes me 20." He had figured that Hope and Heaven were into girls and he was pretty sure that Naya was to.

Elena smiled shaking her head."So you did know that?" She didn't know why she thought that he never knew that.

Kol nodded seeing how Naya and Josie acted one minute and then the next kind of put the pieces together."I kind of figured the way she and Josie fight one minute but gang up on everyone else."


"You think she's going to tell her." Kol knew his daughter and sometimes she did chicken out at things.

Elena shrugged she knew that Josie already heard so Naya really didn't have a choice but to talk to her."She doesn't need to Josie already heard her say it she was listening when Naya and Heaven were talking."

"Is that a bad or good thing." He didn't know if it was bad or good yet.

"Josie doesn't just mess with Naya for no reason even i know that" She stood up picking up Henrick she hoped that they did get together it would be worth it." Its time to put him down for bed."
Caroline went and climbed into her bed."Are you ok?" He wanted to make sure that she was ok after almost having a break down about Josie and Lizzie growing up so fast.

She looked over to her boyfriend she didn't know if she was ok but she hoped the reason why Heaven Hope and Lizzie were being nosey was what she thought it was."I don't know yet but i think Josie finally figured out that Naya has a crush on her."

"Dang it I owe Kol money." He really shouldn't have bet against his brother.

"Why?" Caroline didn't understand what that had to do with oweing Kol money.

"I didn't think she was into girls now Hope and Heaven i knew Naya i didn't." Klaus had known that his daughters were into girls but he didn't think that Naya would be to.

Caroline knew if it took this long for Naya and Josie she didn't want to think of how long it would take for anyone else."I do believe that Hope likes Lizzie but i doubt that she will ever tell her that."

"Maybe one day."
Rebekah and Freya were cleaning up at the party the girls had agreed to opening their presents the next day."Do you ever wish we had knew about them?" Freya had always wondered if things would have been different had they knew about Naya

Rebekah shook her head honestly she didn't know they were raised right and they were raised together and they were well protected."I can't find it in me to be angry. They were raised right and thats all that really matters we have an eternity to get to be a family. I wouldn't change anything."

"I can say that i am surprised at how close Heaven and Naya are." Freya knew it shouldn't come as a shock how close they were but it kind of was.

Rebekah wasn't really shocked they reminded her a lot of her brothers the way that they protect eachother."I'm not they grew up together they only had eachother and Caroline and Elena. They grew up protecting eachother from danger and always on the same team as eachother they remind me of Klaus and Elijah in that aspect. They would do anything for eachother and Naya is a lot like Elena with protecting her family. She would hurt anyone who dared to hurt Elena or Heaven or Caroline and Josie."

"Your right."

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