Chapter 4

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A few days later.

Elena and Hayley were planning Naya Heaven and Hope's 14th birthday."Why can't Rebekah or Caroline helped."

Elena smiled."From what you've told me the three of them hate parties. Rebekah and Caroline will act like there turning 20 not 14."

Elena glanced over at her daughter who was talking with Kol in the corner. Hayley followed her gaze."Either your mad that you didn't know he was alive and are mad she's just now finding out about her father or you hate that he's here."

Elena looked towards Hayley."Can it be both."

"Why." Hayley asked.

"She used to ask about him a lot. I kept it simple we didn't get along one time thing. That we were just to different. I didn't know what else i was supposed  to say i killed him to save me and my brother. Then slept with him that sounds like me." Elena said.

"Everyone does stuff like that. I got pregnant with two tribids and one got kidnapped. Tracker spell never worked Davina tried Freya tried." Hayley siad.

"Thats on me. Bonnie and Me did a protection spell on Dark magic. They got to have a stupid amount of power to get through that spell." Elena said.

"You did everything that you could to protect them didn't you." Hayley asked.

"I did. I didn't know who her parents are. But i knew that she was a special kid. And that i didn't want anyone to hurt her. I didn't want her to be in danger people came and came again and i was scared for her i wanted both of them to be safe." Elena said.

Hayley wrapped her arms around Elena."Thank you so much"

"It's no problem Hayley" Elena smiled.


Elena and Hayley were finishing up the rest of the plans when Naya Hope  Heaven and the rest of the Mikaelson family walked over.

Naya walked over to her mom and had a smirk on her face. Elena looked at her."No."

"I didn't say anything yet." Naya said.

"You got that stupid smirk on No. No and No i know you want something and you can not get it still grounded." Elena closed the binder her and Hayley had.

"I just want to know what your doing." Naya asked.

"No." Elena said.

"Thats how you used to know when she did something or wanted something." Heaven said.

"2 signs she has a smirk or she's being really really Nice." Elena said."You weren't that different you always had an evil grin on your face and meeting your mother now i see you take after her."

"Yay." Hayley said.

"Wait so let me get this straight 1 girl daggered two of you. Almost killed all of you at least once. Killed one of you and still had a Mikaelson baby." Hayley asked.

"Precisley." Rebekah said.

Caroline ran over."I got everything you asked for and locked it in your office"

"Good." Elena siad.

Heaven looked to her aunt and Mom,"What are you planning for us and do i have to wear a dress."

"No we will not tell you." Hayley said

"No you don't have to wear a dress." Elena said.

"So who is this school in honor of." Rebekah asked.

Elena and Caroline looked at eachother."Sarah Salvatore."

"Who." Klaus asked.

"Sarah Nelson she's was adopted her father was Zach Salvatore. Lets just say siren bitch had the two Salvatores kill her siren bitch was no more we killed them. They said since it was the Salvatore Boarding school it had to be in honor of a Salvatore to make sense." Elena said.

"I thought no profanity allowed." Naya crossed her arms,

"Grounded want more time." Elena asked,"I'm an adult your 13. And you and Heaven might curse more than i do."

Heaven and Naya looked at eachother."Hope lets go to our room," The three flashed off.

"Now that there gone. Caroline no we are not doing a princess themed. We are doing a bouncy house a pool simple crap so they don't get mad and blow it all up. There not doing dresses cause they hate them. There doing Nike Jogging suits. No you can not help me plan anything. Naya will hex you if you ruin her party." Elena turned towards Caroline."No i do not need help i'm getting input so Hope doesn't feel left out i've been planning this party for six months and have pretty much everything ready cause if not i'll be running around loking for everything and trying to run a school for kids with special powers."

"Who doesnt want a princess themed party."

"Naya Heaven and Hope." Elena said

Caroline groaned."Fine you win. "

"Go watch students im almost done or you can go online shopping your choice"

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