Chapter 7

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Davina was standing against a wall in a school with Cami. They were watching Kol flirt with Elena."He told you he didn't want to be with you ever don't do anything please."

"It's that little brats fault if she hadn't been born he wouldn't be interested in her mother,"

"She's a kid you can not hurt her." Cami didn't want her to do something that she would regret."Just let them be he obviously likes Elena just let her be with him they have a kid."

"No." Davina seen Hope and Heaven leave she knew that they were going to change somewhere in the woods. She seen Naya sneak out of the back door seeing her parents weren't paying attention to her."Bingo." She looked at Cami and waved her hand."Stay here don't tell anyone anything."
Davina found Naya in the woods practicing her magic she seen her throw a fireball at a tree then put it out."YES! I'm getting better." Fire spells and putting fire out was something she struggled with she could fight decent but her magic was where her strength was.

Davina looked at the bracelet she was twirling in her hand it was a dark object that suspended magic as long as it was locked on and only the person who put it on could take it off."To easy."Davina snuck up behind her andput the bracelet on Naya. "Its your fault because of you he doesn't like me and won't give me the ti,e of day."

Naya tried to break from Davinas grasp but it was too strong. She looked down at the bracelet confused at what is was. " What is this?" She tried to do a spell to throw Davina back. But it wasnt working. She was starting to panic." Take this off of me! What did you do to me?"

"No! If i get rid of you then "

Naya started to scream. But they were far into the woods away from the school and she never told anyone where she was going."Please let me go its not my fault, i never wanted my father in my life neither did she, she was perfectly fine with raising me by myself. My uncle is to blame take it up with him."


Naya started to scream for help again hoping someone would find her.

Heaven had just shifted back. Her and Hope came from behind the tree changed." That was so cool." They had fun being in their wolf forms.

Before Heaven could reply she heard a scream. she recongnized it immediantly."Naya! Go get Elena Hope." Both girls flashed off in different directions.

Heaven seen Davina with Naya." What the hell are you doing?"

"Help me." Naya pleaded. She was never this scared but this girl was crazy. Without her magic there wasn't much that she could do.

Heaven walked towards slowly not wanting her cousin to get hurt. Davina pushed Naya and she fell to the ground. Heaven walked closer to Davina but also kept her distance.

"What is your problem?" Heaven asked.  She didn't get why this girl was so crazy.

"Because your cousin exists he's not interested in me but her slut of a mother." Davina said.

Heaven was closer now. Before she could do anything Davina put a bracelet on her. "What is this?" She tried to take it off but it wouldn't budge."What the hell get this thing off of me."

"You two have shown how strong you are so those are no magic bracelets."

Heaven growled at Davina and went to help Naya up."Hope went to get your mom.  But we're far from school. It will take a while."

"Heaven i know you're scared. But theres only one way." Naya looked up at her cousin her eyes filled with fear they both knew the only way they were getting out of here was if Naya wolfed out. But Heaven was to scared of losing control and hurting her cousin.

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