chapter 6

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This is a very sucky filler chapter
it was the day of the girls party. Everything was ready all the decorations were up. Elena Caroline and Hayley were in the girls room getting them all dressed

I liked that suit for elena and Naya but just imagine it for a 13 year old

I liked that suit for elena and Naya but just imagine it for a 13 year old

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None of them have backpacks its just the outfit

None of them have backpacks its just the outfitLizzie-

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(Just for clarification they are wearing the swimsuits under the outfits they do not have the bookbags)"So when you take the outfits off to go swim and your fathers ask your Mothers chose the suits

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(Just for clarification they are wearing the swimsuits under the outfits they do not have the bookbags)
"So when you take the outfits off to go swim and your fathers ask your Mothers chose the suits. But for saftey each one on y'all might want to put on a pair of silkeys"


"Lets get ready for this party. Will call you down soon Lizzie Josie go to your stations." Caroline smirked. Lizzie and Josie got up and ran downstairs.

Elena looked at the girls."Will call you down don't be nosey."

"Fine." Naya surrendered.

The three adults left out the room making sure to close the doors behind them.


Elena and Hayley were making sure that everything was ready."Ok places i'm going to grab them." Elena flashed to the girls room."Ok y'all can come down now."

"Yay." They all flashed downstairs. Elena followed them outside by the pool.

Everyone jumped out."Surprise."

"Happy birthday girls."

"Have fun dance and just have a blast." Elena smiled.
Elena and Hayley were standing by the siblings watching the girls play and run around."If anyone ever goes after my daughter or nieces because of y'all best watch out."
Naya was sitting with Heaven. They didn't notice the harvest witch standing not far away."Were 13 our family is here and the stress is not al on my mom anymore you have a twin sister."

"Your father is totally in love with your mother." Heaven smirked."I could see them together."

"I could see your dad with Caroline."

"At least then you wouldn't be related to Josie,"Naya looked at her."What you seriously think i don't know that you like Josie she's technically not your aunt even if they act like she is your not blood related."

"Whatever." Naya stood up and took her hoodie off leaving her swim top on."Lets swim." And she took off her joggers leaving her in the swim shorts."

"Fine but were talking about this later."Heaven stood up and repeated Naya's action. Leaving her in her top and swim shorts.

They both went and dove into the pool.
Caroline and Elena were walking around making sure that everything was running smoothly."Give him a chance."

"Give Klaus a chance."

"Fine." Caroline sighed

Elena stopped and looked at her best friend."Are you serious?"

Elena went and stood by Kol."Why now its been 13 years."

"13 years ago the only thing on my mind was hurting my brother and getting my revenge on them for that dagger they kept in me for 97 years. I had gotten really good t acting as if i had my hummanity off even when it was really off. Most people saw me as something i was not do you remember what you said before you and your brother killed me."

"I wish i didn't have to do this i wish i could use someone else but i can't. I remember i couldn't betray Rebekah we had come so far. Elijah was my friend and the only original i trusted and i was apart of Klaus' sireline You were the easiest i didn't know you but that the fact that everytime you were around me you were a cocky asshole. That was it there was some good in you but i knew the less i knew the easier it would be to end your life. They were going to pick an original so i had to pick first. They were going to do it with or without me but as soon as they learned that i was pregnant then most of them split. I'm a whore i'm worse than the Katherine Pierce i took pleasure in taking her life from her."

"Did they know?"

"That it was you? Nope just that it was a Mikaelson everyone thought it was Elijah wrong. Then Heaven showed up at my door and hell really broke lose. I didn't know who she was just that she was special and i wasn't letting what happened to me happen to her. Caroline and i did everything to protect them sometimes it wasn't enough."

"Y'all survived and thats what counts."

"I know."
Hayley Elena and Caroline went and got changed into there own swimming suits and went to join the girls.
Elena Hayley and Caroline went and changed back into there dresses as the girls got there outfits back on. Elena and Hayley brought out the cake and set it on the table."Time to sing happy birthday."

The girls were all in there shared dorm or condo getting ready for bed in there rooms. When there was a knock at the door. Naya walked out of her room through the living room and to the front door she opened it to her mother and Caroline who had boxes."Come in." She stepped asside and let them in. All the girls had put on pajamas not wanting to be hot.

"Girls come here."

Hoope, Heaven, Josie and Lizzie came out of there rooms confused."What's going on?"

"We have a few last minute things?" They set the 5 boxes down each had a girls name on it,

"Open them." Caroline smiled.

Each girl took theres and started to open it. And all gasped when they did finally get it open. Naya had a macbook, Heaven had an ipad, Hope had an iphone, Lizzie got an ipad and Josie got a mackbook.

"Thank you."

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