Chapter 9

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Elena, Hayley, Caroline, Freya, and Rebekah were standing outside the old Mikaelson Mansion in Mystic Falls."If were going to stay here, we are stay here we are not staying at the Salvatore Boarding house." Elena sighed.

"Agreed" Hayley smiled.

"Looks like we got our work cut out for us. 5 kid bed rooms. I got Lizzie Freya take Josie Rebekah Heaven Hayley  Hope Elena Naya." Caroline said.

"Sounds good. But i got a with to tourture so i think i'll leave you four to do this"

"Record it i want to see."


Elena walked into her Lakehouse and seen th group crowded around the chair that Davina was tied up to. She had no magic cuffs on and werewolf venom in her veins and she had started hallucinating.

"How many times has she been bitten and rehealed."

"7 times give or take she has gone crazy right now which is why we tied her up we were letting her run around going crazy," Kai smirked.

She chuckled"I would have love to see that."

"We have everything set to record memories sometimes aren't enough and Kai's a sociopath so." Bonnie shrugged not knowing what else she was really supposed to say.

"Extract the venom from her its time for some fun."

When the Venom was thorougly extracted so that when the tourture did happen Elena didn't get any venom and die Elena placed a chair in front of Davina and sat down and smirked looking at the scared tied up witch."What are you going to do to me?"

Elena grabbed her by her chin yanking her."I haven't decided yet but trust me what i am about to do to you is going to hurt. You tried to kill my daughter over a guy."

"A guy thats inloves with you and hates me."

"I'm a Petrova Doppelganger guys look at me one time and claim i have to be theirs its a curse literally but my daughter and niece didn't do anything to you do you understand me i will kill you and make sure its painful. And i want you to beg for mercy like she was when you threw Heaven into that tree" She let go of Davina and stood up."Their thirteen and you tried to murder both of them." She kicked the chair hard enough that Davina was sent back flying against the wall. The chair breaking as well as several bones."Bonnie Tyler out."

"Ellie." Tyler warned he knew what was about to happen and it was not about to be good it was about to be horrible and evil.


Bonnie and Tyler sighed before walking out one thing they knew was Elena and Kai made one hell of a tourture team and it might do them well if they stay far away from it. When they were out of ear shot Elena flashed to Davina and held her against the wall.

"Is that all you got Doppelbitch."

"Now you've done it." Kai shrugged.

Elena threw her to the floor before looking towards the sociopath."Syphon her and make it hurt,"

"Yes mam." He may be a sociopath but he was reformed him and Elena had become friends since he started dating Bonnie he of course got a warning from the blonde and brunette about what would happen if he hurt their friend and he knew that they were not kiding maybe it was the way they threatened him without remorse or the look in their eyes.

He began syphoning her as she screamed but they were far enough that no one could hear her even if they wanted to.

Once Elena decided that she was had heard enough she used her magic to throw her at a few walls."13 you tried to kill a 13 year old because her father prefers me over you." She knelt down next to her."Guess what i've known him longer then you and his family he has never been interested in a doppelganger until he met me. And he knew the last two before me. But guess what i was also the girl that killed him i took his life i was the reason you had to bring him back and yet he still chooses me over you it must hurt right." She knew how to hit her where it 2would hurt and she was most definetly going to do it. Because Davina was an evil son of a bitch and she deserved to die.

Elena stood up and backed up a little lifting her hand bring Davina to her feet."He only cares because of Naya."

Elena sighed shaking her head."You do know he had to sleep with me for Naya to be born right. I don't care about his motives because i don't bow down to guys they prove themselves to me. But i think i've caused you enough pain only thing i want now is to see your dead body." She flashed to her and stuck her teeth into Davina's neck and drained her dry before dropping her body to the ground  and wiping her mouth. "Payback really is a bitch."

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