Chapter 1

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Hope was 13 all the originals and Hayley plus Cami  and Davina were at the school. Davina had convinced her into letting them come.

They seen two girls chasing two other girls around the school. The two girls chasing the other two stopped to catch there breath,"Naya i am going to murder you in your sleep then blame Heaven on it."

The other two girls stopped and high fived."What was that Lizzie. I'm sorry you might have to speak up."

"I'm getting my sister on you" The brunette said. She touched her sisters arm and summonda fire ball she tried to throw it at Naya but missed. Heaven Rolled on the ground dodging it.

"I'm telling your sister no powers you jerk" Heaven screamed.

"Wow this school is weird" Hope said."Do i have to go here."

"Yes" Hayley said.

Elena walked outside."What did i tell y'all no magic no chasing them and no aggravating them. This is a school trying to stay off the grid not get caught we have a lot of students here today can you four try to behave."

"Elena" Rebekah said.

Elena looked at them and groaned."What are y'all doing here."

"Mom who are they" Naya asked.

"Were bringing Hope to school here what are you doing here" Klaus said.

"I co this school with Caroline and Alaric" Elena said.

"I talked to Caroline yesterday she said it was fine that she still come" Hayley said.

"Lizzie go get your mother now so i can kill her for not telling me this." Elena said.

"Well this is akward can i go shift now i have been busy getting ready for school to start again and helping set up i didn't get the chance" Heaven said.

"No Biting no getting scene and you got an hour you still have a welcome speech to give" Elena said.

"Thanks" Heaven ran off.

"I hate her powers i hate it i hate it" Naya said.

"What are her powers" Hope asked.

"Well she's a witch werewolf and she heals fast really fast like you accidentally cut her one time there's no evidence." Naya said.

"Go to your post we made y'all draw remember its fair so go be nice and guide students around" Elena said.

"I wish i would have gotten the speech" Naya ran off leaving the group alone.

"How old is she" Davina asked.

"13 unfortuantly she has the worst family in the world. And yes i am talking about y'all" Elena turned and walked towards Caroline who was walking out the school."I am going to muder you in cold blood."

"Sorry you can't avoid them forever" Caroline said.

"Yes i can" Elena said.

Hayley walked over to Elena."Wait did she say vampire werewolf and witch."

"Yeah i did" Elena said.

"When's her birthday." Hayley asked.

"I gave her the birthday May 7th she's adopted" Elena said.

"How old was she when you got her" Hayley said.

"Not more then a week she was dropped at my doorstep no note no nothing why" Elena said.

"Klaus" Hayley said.He walked over to them"I think thats our daughter."

"Who" Carolinea sked.

"Heaven" Josie said."She's a vampire werewolf and witch like Hope,"

"Who's greeting students at the door" Caroline asked.

"I gotta go" Josie ran off leaving them alone.

"Josie you say anything you heard to either of them i will ground you untill your 18" Elena shouted.

"I can have Naya comfirm your theory's but you have to wait she's complex she doesn't like meeting new people thats why  Caroline rigged there picks." Elena said,

"I gave Naya guide Josie door duty Lizzie has to walk around and make sure everyone is ok and Heaven got the speech." Caroline said,

"I'm kind of busy and i really don't like this Family Hayley if you want to find her she's in the north woods behind the school. Thinking on it she looks a lot like you. I have to go tell my daughter her jackass of a father is alive and apparently not dead." Elena walked away leaving them alone.

"What is with originals and seducing girls it sucks" Caroline said."Hope can meet up with one of the girls and learn everything she needs to know. We have things that we have to get down for our orientaion places to be speeches to give. Tours and Apparently 2 girls that need to meet there parents." Caroline groaned and flashed away. Knowing that this was going to be a long day.

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