~runaway ~

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(So, someone asked about how much techhalo I can write and I just thought "you dare underestimate me mortal?" And now I'm here, enjoy the flash flood of techhalo guys)

•Badboyhalo Pov•
First Person

I sighed as i leaned back onto my king sized bed, my crown resting on the desk beside me as i sunk into my covers, my thoughts where filled of the knight that stole my heart, he was an elite knight and was assigned to escort me to a neighboring kingdom for some kind of ball in the hopes of me finding a prince or princess to marry, but on the way we had a delay as a storm came and a there was a flood, we had to camp out in a dark cave before we went out and walked to the kingdom on foot, it should have been a tedious process but I didn't really mind, I got to see all the life outside of the castle walls and even had to watch regular towns folk do there own things, The knight told me stories and we even met with some of his friends, his name was Techno and we ran into this group called the "dream team" appearently him and dream where rivals aswell as we closed upon the castle which means this would be our final night together we ended up ceiling it with a kiss

That was a few months ago, me and the knight had met up again every now and then, we discussed plans of me even running away, the royal family never cared about me and just wanted my status, I had sisters who where very much willing to take the throne aswell and I also had a brother who had also ran away, we still meet up almost every night when I can sneak out

But tonight is the night, my arranged marriage was tommorow and while Techno had wanted to storm in and crash the wedding I decided that it was to risky, instead we where gonna sneak out

I got my red and black cloak that a purchased in secret when we where out as i wrapped it around me and made my way to the window before I even got there i heard light tapping as I smiled and opened the curtains to reveal the male with pink hair that was tied in a braid, ceimson eyes, a red fluffy cloak and I very obvious grin on his face "whats a pretty prince like you doing here?" Tech said as Bad rolled his eyes and opened the window "and whats a handsome night like you doing out here?" Bad countered as he wobbled abit before steadying himself and Tech closed the window "just retrieving the love of my life" Techno said and Bad giggled as the soft red dusted his cheeks

"Are you good?" Techno asked as Bad nodded and the two of them silently walked along the roof, they had done this many times but it was still quite scary for Bad although Techno had promised he woukd catch him if he fell, the two jumped onto a ledge as they looked at eachother befpre nodding, Bad brought the hood over his head to hide his white eyes and halo

They jumped into the village as they slipped through the townsfolk before they came across the wall "he should be h-" Tech was cut off when something bunoed into them and wrapped its arms around Bad, Techno turned immediately reaching to take out his diamond sword before he finally registered who it was "it was about time you left" Skeppy said smiling as Bad smiled back "your gonna love living with us, its in the forest, THE FOREST" Skeppt gushed about where he lived int he woods with his friend a6d (or crush but whateverrrr) and a few others that where runaways like he was

•Techno Pov•
First person

Bad smiled and nodded as Skeppy left them to a small crack in the wall "i made this here when I escaped" he said as he brushed the leaves of the bush aside which made way to a hole that was barely enough for me to crawl through  "lets go, Tech you go first then Bad, then me" Skeppy said and i nodded as i crawled through, I looked around to make sure everything was clear before I signalled them to come aswell

Soon all three of us where out as Bad let out a sigh of relief and raised his hands "this feels great" Bad said as a gust of wind hit him, Skeppy smiled "ofcourse it does" Skeppy said as he grabbed Bad's hand and led him deeper into the forest "now come on! Your finally free so we might aswell enjoy it" Skeppy said happily as Bad laughed before he grabbed my hand and dragged me along aswell "yeah, we can finally be together" Bad said as he looked at me, his eyes nearly reflecting off the joy he was emitting

I felt my heart flutter as I smiled "yeah" I said as I gave him a little peck on the cheek "we can finally be together"

(Wow, this one sucked)

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