~come home to me ~

479 39 32

(So- I've been getting somewhat interested in attack on titan lately-)
•Badboyhalo Pov•
Third Person

Bad looked at the pink haired male skeptically as Techno pulled him closer into a small kiss, he was in his uniform "don't worry angel, I'll come back, im sure Dream won't actively try to kill us all off with George there" Technoblade said planting afew kisses on Bad's neck 

Bad sighed as he pulled away, there eyes met, white eyes seemingly fought with red ones as they stood in the alley, Bad looked awau before he sighed "alright, fine" Bad said as he leaned against Technoblade "just don't die out there, do you still have it with you?"  Bad asked looking up at Techno who seemed surprise before his look softened as he reached into his pocket

"Yep, always" Techno said pulling out a broken silver chain, when he had confessed Bad may or may not have tripped and rolled down a hill causing his necklace to break, he ended up giving it to Techno as a small sin of there love

So no matter what he would always be there

Bad smiled as he gave Tech a small peck "alright, now go before Dream decides to hunt you down" Bad said teasingly as Techno let out a small laugh, Techno joined the other groups of soldiers (i forgot what they where called) Bad watched him go, a pang of worry going through him as the gates closed, he felt someone grab his hand as he looked to his right

His brother was there looking at him comfortingly as he squeezed his hand "don't worry Bad, im sure he'll come back, he's "the blade" afterall" Skeppy said as they both began to walk away, Bad chuckled abit at that "yeah, im sure he'll be alright!"




He was pronounced dead 3 months later....

Bad watched as the gates closed, his breath hitched as he watched the few soldiers walk in, all injured, some helping others walk, while most where carried in by there comrades

Bad heard the screams of family,lovers and friends echo through the streets as they cried out in agony, out of all the 100 soldiers sent out, only 12 came back, Bad looked down watching as his tears made contact with the ground, he stood there for abit not noticing the man with a smiley mask as he walked to Bad letting Sapnap take care of George

Dream put his hand on Bad's shoulder, Bad flinched and looked up at Dream "Bad....he and his squad....they got separated from us....when he found them again, Most where mutilated, we think that the rest of his squad was....." Dream paused looking away, he himself couldn't believe that he had lost one of his most powerful men

Dream looked bak at Bad who just stayed quiet, his whole body was shaking, Dream wrapped his arms around Bad in a comforting hug "im sorry Bad....." Dream said simply, his heart ached at the sound of his friends chocked sobs as he hugged Dream back sobbing into his chest

He had lost him....

He had lost the love of his life.....



It had been like that, for months, just laying in bed, missing the feeling of the other male beside him as hey cuddled forgetting the threats beyond the walls as they held the other one close whispering sweet nothings to eachother before they fell asleep

Bad hugged himself as Skeppy walked him to the gates, mews had spread that afew missing soldiers managed to find there way back "maybe....he could be there" Skeppy said rubbing Bad's back as the gates opened

Bad didn't respond as he looked up, he watched with hopeful eyes as he scanned the crowd of wounded soldiers that where barely holding themselves up, Bad could've sworn that one of them was holding up a corpse to, he watched as women ran out from the crowd hugging there partners while afew families also ran to afew soldiers holding them close

Bad lowered his head as the gate began to close, he was really gone

Skeppy rubbed his back comfortingly as he pulled his brother in a hug "im so sorry Bad" Skeppy whispered into Bad's ear as Bad hugged the other back refusing to let anymore tears spill

They sat there for abit before a voice cut through the crowd

"Wait! He's still breathing!" A shout came from the crowd as a familiar male ran through the gate that closed behind him, he was holding the body of a soldier as he turned to Dream who stared in disbelief as the sight of his long time rival

Though bandaged where wrapped around his stomach and his hands where covered in blood with some dripping down his head

He was alive

"Get him to a medic!" Technoblade said handing the blonde soldier to Dream who quickly took it "he saved my life so I'd be damned if I make him loose his" Techno muttered watching as Dream shook his head before he ran off to a medic

Techno was breathing heavily, the pain in his legs and all over his body made themselves known as he leaned against a crate "fuck" he hissed out a pang of pain rushing through him as he leaned onto his stomach


Techno turned at the small voice, his lips curled in a small smile as he watched Bad, he was standing there, a shocked look on his face as he took a step forward before he stopped himself "this...this isn't real, I became crazy or Skeppys just...trolling me again"  Bad said shaking his head as he took a step back

Techno frowned abit, he pushed himself off the crate taking a step towards Bad, taking his Hand and putting it to his face resting it on his cheek "no, im sure im right here" Techno said watching as Bad's eyes immediately began leaking as tears poured down his face

"Hey, hey Bad" Techno whispered worryingly as he cupped his lovers cheeks "are you okay?" He asked looking at Bad who shook his head before he wrapped his arms around Technoblade tugging him into a hug, Technoblade held in a wince as he leaned against a crate to keep them from falling

"Am I okay?! I should be asking YOU that you idiot!!!" Bad said as he cried intot he others chest "dont FUCKING do that again" Bad hissed out, sadness, relief and anger in his voice as he helf the other close, Techno was surprised that his cinnamon roll angel would have cursed but his confusion was quickly replaced as he held the pther close

"I won't" he said before Bad quickly tugged him into a kiss, Techno kissed back without hesitation, they stayed like that for abit before they pulled away breathing abit heavily "i missed that" Techno whispered makign Bad giggle abit, Bad leaned into Techno resting his head on Techno's chest relishing the sound of his still beating heart

"Het Bad, not to interupt what your doing, but I should really go see a medic"


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