~just afew~

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(OK, so 8 was looking through the prompt generator and it said "Badboyhalo and Technoblade adopting an orphan, and I just thought "how ironic")
•Technoblade Pov•
Third person

I groaned as I rubbed the side of my head before I sat up, my eyes soon landed on a seemingly more demonic looking Bad, who was seemingly abitbt taller and had dark claws that broke through his gloves, that was hissing at the forest before turning back to me "Bad?" I asked as he seemingly already turned back to normal before running to me and hugging me "oh thank goodness, are you ok?" He asked makingme notice the blood that was dripping down the side of my head "yeah, what happened?" I asked as Bad sighed "Fundy,Quackity and Tubbo tried to ambush you" Bad said looking into the forest again "so I stepped in" Bad said

Techno let out a humm as he stood up with abit of effort "seems about right" Techno said only remembering a small exchange of words before everything went dark, Bad stood up but quickly fell beneath his own weight, he really would've fallen if it wasn't for Techno who managed to catch him before he fell onto the white snow

"Woah, are you okay?" Tech asked trying to steady Bad who's eyes looked unfocused and biting his lip "i may have gotten hit afew times" Bad said as Techno bit his liplooking Bad up and down to try and see if he could see where the wounds where, but cause of Bad's dark clothing you couldn't see any of the blood as Tech let out a curse under his breath "language" Bad murmured feeling himself loose consciousness already

"Dont you fucking dare go to sleep" Tech said as he (he basically gives Bad a piggy back ride, no fucking clue how i would even write the process of giving someone a piggy back ride so I'm writing this) he grew slightly more worried when the latter didn't "language" him like he normally did as Tech began running deciding to curse whichever God controlled the weather as it began snowing the moment he had Bad on him, Techno let out a few huffs of breath as he ran through the snow in search of a shelter

He had been running for quite sometime and at this point Bad was already shivering as Techno stopped for abit to drape his big fluffy red cloak over Bad before he went back to carrying him and ran off,thank God however when Tech had spotted a small cave and basically jumped inside

He let out a sigh of relief from finally being out in the cold before he put Bad down on the stone floor, Tech felt himself wanting to praise himself when past him had brought materials to make a fire "just in case", he quickly made one and brought Bad over to it so he could warm up, Tech let Bad lean on him as Techno tried to assess the situation, "damnit Bad" he said as he basically ripped off the others Jacket and felt a wet cold substance by the Jackets side, Tech looked to Bad's side and sire enough, a stab wound, Techno searched through his inventory to fins something to patch it up before he just sighed defeat "im gonna regret this" he grabbed his cloak and ripped off a bit of it before wrapping it around Bad's waist, damn, he really should've brought healing pots, once he was done patching up the heroes waist he went along with patching uo his arms and his leg that looked like it was grazed abit by an arrow

Techno let out a sigh of relief as he felt Bad warm up and his chest rising and falling peacefully, Techno poked the side of his head, it was fine, just the flesh, maybe an arrow grazed it? Or a sword? He didn't remember

Techno leaned against Bad and put his not abit torn cloak over the both of them as he saw the world outside the cave darken as it mad eats way to night "dont you fucking dar do that again" Tech said as he leaned against Bad making sure that the tusks that protruded out of his mouth won't accidentally cut the other

Techno thougth for abit before he looked down and kissed Badboyhalo's forhead "I love you Bad" Tech said before he let out a content sigh and felt hinself drift off....

(Geez, whats up with me and short chapters today???)

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