~red eyes~

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(Heyyy finally u guys got more than one chapter a day)
•Badboyhalo Pov•
Third Person

Red, Bad didn't like the color red all to much, he admittedly was wearing red almost every single day but that doesn't mean he necessarily liked the color, it was the color of blood, a symbol of war and genocide, and the demon didn't like that to much, he wanted peace and for everyone to be free and not live in fear

But the color red was the sign of it, everything he hated all bundled up in a single primary color

That was until he met Techno

Who at first had solidified his hate for the color with all the crimes and mass genocide he woukd commit ever so often causing the whole smp to live on the edge for quite sometime....

But that was until he had quite and decided to live in solitude, well kind of solitude since his family had decided to come with him aswell

Bad had visited Techno far more times than he woukd really like to admit, he really only ever visited the blood god at first cause Skeppy had asked him if he could deliver this not to the blood god asking for yet another challenge, but a storm had rolled in and he had to stay abitblonger than planned, they talked and bonded throughout the whole night before Bad had to leave, Which they both had decided that he woukd come and visit again next week

Then again,then again and again...

Bad began to feel his heart flutter and butterflies in his stomach, and unbeknownst to him Techno had been feeling the same aswell, they grew closer and closer before they had finally confessed to eachother

They kept there relationship a secret at first before the news of them being together slowly spread throughout the smp until practically everyone knew, and luckily everyone was really supportive, the demon and the blood god soon moved in together, they lived quite a happy life and after years and years of being together and years of ups and downs they where still together

Even after the wars, the egg and the fall and rise of the smp, even after they lost so much of there friends who they had considered family, they still had eachother

Bad used to not like the color red...

But ever since he met Techno his opinion on the color slowly changed...

The color was fierce, but it also presents passion, love and courage, instead of reminding him of the blood that dripped down wounds he and everyone had to suffer from it began reminding him of the red that woukd engulf Techno's cheeks once he got embarrassed, it began reminding him of the red eyes that held so much love and passion in them

It reminded him of Techno....

Even after all these years....

After the smp had fallen and everyone had went there separate ways and slowly stopped writing notes and letters to eachother, even after all the fights they had gone through, even after a few white strands began to pop up on Techno's head and his face had began to wrinkle ever so slightly

The look in his eyes stayed the same...

Even after Bad's appearance had changed and he wasn't as slim or petite as he used to be Techno looked at him with the same love in his eyes as he did since they first met, since there first kiss and even since there wedding that was oh so long ago

Even after 20 years he still loved bad...

And after all that time Bad's favorite color had changed to red, it was the color that presented the love between them, the color of the red cloak that Techno still has wrapped tightly around him, it was the color of Techno...

And Bad loved the color almost as much as he loved his pink haired warrior....

(HI, its short I know, I just had this idea for awhile)

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