~coffee shop~

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Technoblade pov•
First person

Tech had just decided to wander around the streets of the city before he came across a small Cafe, he watched his options abit befote ultimately deciding that to walk in, he lightly pushed the door and let it click open as he walked inside, he saw a few people in the coffee shop but all in all everything was quite empty, Tech felt his phone vibrate as he looked down and saw it was a text from his dad Phil asking when he would be home, Tech rolled his eyes and texted back assuring him that he woukd be there in a few minutes

He walked to the counter still looking at his phone before tucking it in his pocket and looking up, Red eyes met white as Tech felt himself stop, his words resting on his tongue as he stared at the male barista who looked up at him confused

Techno felt himself short circuit before he shook his head "uhhh hi" he said, kicking himself in his mind at the nervous tone he held "oh, hi" the barista said "what can I get you?" The male asked and Tech had to pinch himself to make sure that he wouldn't just make a fool of himself, his eyes dart to the board of drinks for abit before he quickle made his decision "I would like a latte" he said and Bad nodded before writing it down and handing it to another (shorter) coworker who had jet black hair and was wearing a blue hoodie under the apron and looked at Tech suspiciously befpre dissapearing into the back

"Name?" The barista asked looking up at Techno with a small smile on his face and Techno felt himself wanting to freeze up but he fought against his nerves and luckily won "Techno" he said and the barista seemed surprised before writing his name down on the notepad

Techno sat on a small chair in the back as he watched the male barista do his job, the charcoal skin, the fluffy dark hair, the white eyes that where basically screaming for attention and the small, almost invisible halo that was above his head and Tech felt like he could stare at the beautiful barista all day, but sadly it had to end as he saw the coworker come back, place the coffee on the counter and walk back to there position, the barista gave a small thankyou to the coworker as he called out techno's name

Techno stood up and walked towards the counter, his eyes averted and opted to stare at the decorative wall instead of the cute barista infront of him, he swore he could see the male write something down on a napkin before tucking it away with a few other tissues

Techno payed and was given his coffee as he sat back down and took out his phone, he knew his dad as he took a quick photo and sent it to him to make sure he won't just worry or suspect anything, it also didn't take long for him to reply but it wasn't exactly a response he expected

"Okay, hey whats that on the napkin?"

This caused Techno to look at the message curiously before he gave the napkins a quick inspection and found that there was actually a small note on it, he finished his coffee and folded it open letting his eyes scan the note

"I'm badboyhalo :>" was all that was written there and a section of numbers under it

Tech felt the cogs in his brain turning, once he figured out what it was he looked at the barista who was serving another customer, he contemplated for abit before he took the napkin and placed it in his pocket as he stood up and left the coffee shop feeling the heat that he didn't even notice was on his cheeks subside

He didn't answer Phil as he zoomed through the house and plopped onto his bed quickly taking out his phone and adding the number to his contacts

"Hi, nice to meet you" he wrote out and immediately kicked himself at the dumb response, it didn't take to long before Bad replied "nice to meet you to <3" and Tech felt his heart flutter, he almost didn't even notice his fingers typing something out "why did you decide to give me your number?" And the reply was almost instant "I recognized you from out highschool, you where the winner of the fencing tournament right?" The text said and Tech was also quick to reply "yup" and soon they just began talking about random things before he soon dozed off...

(Yeah idk, small chap, I know but imma trybto make true techhalo fluff next chapter)

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