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Requested by: i_love_to_cry_

•Technoblade Pov•
Third Person
(Ngl, I might turn into a Quackhalo shipper- but don't worry I'm give u guys atleast 100 chapters before I switch)

Techno and Bad had collectively decided to keep there relationship a secret, mostly cause they had no idea how there friends would react, well, how Bad's friends would react since Techno made it pretty clear that he doesn't care about how some of his friends would react to them being in a relationship and that he only cared about what his family thought, and they already support them

Nobody really thought anything of it when Bad had moved in with Technoblade, but Technoblade made it pretty clear that he didn't enjoy the fact that Bad did spend most of his time with Skeppy

Techno was sitting in the living room waiting for his boyfriend to show up, his leg patted  against the wood nervously as he checked the clock "where was he?" Was a thought that bounced around his head before he heard the door click and creak open as he turned and saw Bad, Bad stumbled inside as he put his armor down, obvious very tired

Techno walked over and helped Bad take off his armor "you alright?" He asked as Bad practically sunk into him and wrapped his arms around him, Bad shook his head "mmm tired" Bad said as Techno scooped up the taller demon "alright, what about we go to bed?" Techno asked already making his way upstairs as Bad hummed and nodded

Techno made it to there bedroom and put Bad down on the bed, Bad whined abit before sinking into the covers as Techno layed down beside him, Bad quickly wrapped himself around Techno into a messy cuddle as Techno chuckled "missed me?" He asked as Bad hummed, Techno smiled as he wrapped his arms around Bad and pulled him closer to his chest "love you Bad" he said "mmm love you to" Bad said sleepily before fallin unconscious in his arms, Techno smiled and gave Bad a small peck on his forhead before he fell asleep...


Techno groaned as he leaned against the table counter, Quackity had decided to come over and was doing his usual thing which includes flirting nonstop with Bad who just laughed or looked uncomfortable "that's great Quackity" Bad said as he ate his muffin and Gave Techno a nervous look as if to make sure he wouldn't do anything

"Bad, you know, since Skeppy isn't here we could pretty much do whatever we want" Quackity said as he leaned over the counter looking at Bad, Bad sputtered as Techno was practically gripping onto the counter to stop himself from stabbing Quackity "Mr.Quackity!" Bad scolded as Quackity burst out laughing

After abit Quackity left once the sun was setting as Bad waved to him and closed the door with a sigh of relief

The moment he closed it though he felt arms snake around his waist as Techno pulled him in with a low growl, Bad flinched before he leaned into Techno with a sigh "mine" Techno muttered as Bad giggled, Techno scooped him up and continuously kissed Bad all over his face and even in his neck as Bad wrapped his arms around Techno

Techno made his way to there bedroom as he plopped Bad on the bed as he also sunk in making sure that his grip on the demon didn't falter as he continued to leave marks on the poor demon that would have to hide them later "your mine, not Skeppy's, not Quackity's, Mine" Tech said, his grip on Bad tightening as Bad nodded his body growing abit weak as Techno continued to mark him for the rest of the night...


Quackity and Skeppy tried very, VERY hard to try and not acknowledge the marks on there friends neck that wherent covered by the scarf he was wearing or the very weird way he walked

When Skeppy came to call for Bad he could almost swear that he saw Techno smirk once he asked Bad why he had a scarf on...

(Hey, I...i don't knowwww)

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