𝙳𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

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"𝐎𝐊. 𝐒𝐎, basically we investigate a girl's bathroom, and get rid of the filth, and that's it. Easy peasy." 

She quickly checked her phone, looking at the news. Today's lucky numbers were 10, 35, 69, and 14.

The unlucky numbers were 4, 90, 34, and 45.

Nodding to herself, Kouka gestured for Toge to stop. He obeyed, looking at her in question, tilting his head.

"Ehem. Pardon me." She grabbed the boy smoothly. He squeaked in surprise as she lifted him up easily and tucked him under her arm. 

When he finally stilled, she bit her finger again like when she was on the roof, startling the boy. He became even more shocked when blood floated out of the wound and into the air, forming wings. 

The two started to fly, and Kouka zoomed forward fast. 

The morning wind, rushing against the duo's faces, was cold and biting, so Kouka shifted Toge in her arms, holding him bridal style. She could tell he was blushing. It was cute, with his nose red from the wind and his cheeks pink from embarrassment. 

He hid his face in her chest, where it was warm and smelled like her perfume. 

After ten minutes, the two finally arrived at the empty school. She set the boy down gently, straightening his hair and his clothes. Her blood had long since retreated into her body. 

His gray hair was tangled by the wind. She gently pulled the strands apart, paying no heed to Toge staring at her face.

"Alright, let's go." Kouka was about to enter the building, when she was pulled back.

The Inumaki had a hold on her uniform's sleeve, meekly looking down.

"What's wrong?" 

He looked up, face red again, pouting. He stepped closer hesitantly and also started to straighten out the wrinkles on the older girl's clothes and white hair, his fingers moving nimbly across her shoulders, waist, and head. He also took the girl's finger, checking to see the cut, but tilted his head when he found that there was no trace of the wound. 

When he was done, he stepped back again, and suddenly bowed 90 degrees, startling Kouka.

Then, he entered the building like nothing had happened. Although his furiously crimson face said otherwise.

He led the way, cautiously checking the dark hallways and corridors of the school, until they both stopped in front of the third floor girl's bathroom.

"You can stay here, since it's my mission anyway." 

Toge reluctantly nodded, watching as Kouka walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

He decided to explore the school. The mission paper said only the girl's bathroom had a cursed spirit inside it, but the sorcerer wanted to check, just in case.

Wandering the halls, gazing at the posters on the walls and peeking into classrooms, the small boy made sure nothing cursed lurked in the shadows. 

After a while, he heard a clattering sound from the end of the hallway. He was now on the fourth floor, and for some reason, he realized now, this floor was darker than the rest of the floors. The windows were pitch black, and he could barely see in front of him.

Something was obviously wrong because when he checked his phone, it was still only 11:00 in the morning. 

"Tsubaki-San?" He called, his voice cracking from the lack of use. "Kouka-Senpai?" 

No answer.

Toge narrowed his eyes, carefully taking small steps forward, and unzipping a little of his collar. 

After a beat of utter silence, he felt a presence run towards him quickly, and he leapt to the side, opening his mouth.

"Don't Move." He ordered, using his cursed technique. The figure stopped immediately. 

He put on his phone's flashlight and turned it towards the presence. 

It was a cursed spirit, a huge lump of flesh and meat, with a violin for eyes and a harmonica for a mouth.

"Music...music...I HATE MUSIC!" it screamed, struggling against the powerful cursed energy bonds holding it back.

Just as it was about to break free, another presence appeared, silencing it with one powerful strike to the head. 

When the spirit was gone, all the lights turned back on, revealing Kouka with a spear of red stone like material, blood dripping from the tip, and a speedily disintegrating spirit with a hole through its head.


The woman gave the younger a bottle of throat medicine. He accepted it gratefully.

"You must be wondering how I knew you were here." 

Toge nodded.

"This school only has four floors. I took a lucky guess and picked the fourth one, because four is an unlucky number. Sorry for not being able to come earlier by the way. I was cleaning the toilets. Dirty toilets are really bad luck, you know." She said, completely unapologetically.

Toge sweat dropped, nodding again. 

It was probably the most he had ever heard the older speak, and he was not going to let it go to waste.

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The journey back to the Tokyo Jujutsu College was silent, with Toge in the same position as before, nestled comfortably in Kouka's arms. 

"Hey old man!" The female kicked the principal's door open, loudly marching in.

The man sighed, putting down the cute stuffed animals he was creating.


"You said the spirits were only in the girl's bathrooms! Toge had to kill another one that was loitering around the building! Inform us better next time, will you?" 

"Apologies." Masamichi Yaga, the principal said, with no apology in his words.

"At least pretend to be sorry."

Later, Inumaki stopped. Senpai, what are your abilities?

He decided it was better to just outright ask.

"Well. The Tsubaki family is known for being able to manipulate. However, they are also able to infuse their own cursed energy into every type of liquid, and change its characteristics and type of matter. For example, I can manipulate blood, my favorite medium, and change it into a shield as hard as metal. Earlier, I was able to manipulate my blood, to form a spear." Kouka explained, waving her hand lazily.

She would tell him her weaknesses another time.

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