Fushiguro Megumi, Fushiguro Tsumiki, and Tsubaki Kouka

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9 years ago

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9 years ago.

"YO." Kouka met Gojo on a stone path, raising her hand in greeting. Back then, she and the white haired man were on better terms, and their relationship was much more amicable. Kouka herself was a bit more amiable, with her clan still existing.

"Long time no see, Kouka-chan." Gojo greeted back, lifting up his sunglasses to send a warm smile her way.

Eleven years ago, Fushiguro Megumi was 6. Tsumiki, his step sister from another mother and father, was 8.

Gojo was 17, and Kouka was 13. They were four years apart but the girl was already a second year at the Tokyo Jujutsu College. Gojo had already graduated and became one of the strongest jujutsu sorcerers, while Kouka planned on staying at the school as a student even until she reached over 20, so that she didn't have to complete as many missions.

"Let's go, they should be walking home from school by now."


"Megumi-kun?" Gojo called, grinning as a black spiky haired boy turned around to look at whoever called his name. His older sister also turned.

"Who are you." Megumi demanded immediately, standing in front of Tsumiki.

Kouka raised an eyebrow at the movement, filled with both amusement and pleasant surprise.

"Satoru. Have a talk with Megumi while I introduce myself to his cute sister." She pushed past the older man, shoving him to the wall purposely. He whimpered in pain, wondering why he was being treated this way.

Megumi held an arm out in front of Tsumiki as soon as Kouka was in front of them, glaring up at the girl.

"Kid, we'll be right next to you. You'll be able to see her."

The boy hesitantly lowered his arm and nodded.

So Kouka lead Tsumiki a bit further down the street, crouching down a bit. She was always tall for a 13 year old.

"Do you know what Jujutsu is?"

The little child shook her head in confusion, still a bit intimidated by the aura coming from Kouka.

"hm." Kouka smiled, deciding to give the girl a little present. "Ryōiki Tenkai." She pressed all the fingertips of both of her hands together, making sure her palms didn't touch. "Jigoku no Mokkadogonnsui!" (Hell's five elements -> 木火土金水 wood fire earth metal water)

Immediately, five different colored dragons appeared from behind Kouka's back, and flew around Tsumiki and her. Startled, the girl took a step back, but Kouka pulled the child towards her. "It's a bit dangerous, so stick to my jacket." The ground beneath them started to shift, and a huge wave crawled from behind Kouka, covering the ground with water. The buildings around them were replaced with rocky walls, rising above them quickly. And the sky, once blue, turned red, as if it was a sky of fire. Hot, melting metal mixed in with the waters like silver and gold snakes.

"Oh damn." Gojo said in awe, looking around in wonder. "I haven't seen your Ryōiki yet. Oh shit!" He shrieked, as a ball of fire barely missed his head. "Its basically hell!"

Kouka grinned, crouching next to Tsumiki and Megumi. She put an arm around both of their shoulders. "Look." She pointed at a cursed spirit, who had the misfortune of being around them. The creature wailed in agony as what seemed like mud slowly climbed up its body, until it finally killed it.

Tsumiki, oddly enough, only gazed in fascination. Kouka raised an eyebrow. "You aren't scared?"

"Um, well, I just thought that it was interesting. I-is that not normal?" She answered nervously.

"Oh, depends. You're quite similar to your brother." Kouka nudged Megumi, who frowned. He said nothing.

"But where are we?" Tsumiki asked.

"This is basically a realm I created In my mind, thanks to cursed energy."

"Is everyone's different?"

"Yes. For example, your brother, who is the son of a famous and powerful jujutsu sorcerer, will have a Ryōiki completely different from mine."

"What about the old man over there?"

Gojo winced at the description, fidgeting with his white hair. "I'm like...not even 20 yet..."

"Yes, his is also different."

"Can anyone use....Ryoiki?" Tsumiki asked curiously.

Kouka smiled again, and without looking at Gojo and Megumi, she answered. "No, but you can."

Megumi started, protesting, and Gojo also opened his mouth in shock.

"The reason why, is because you can see. The boys haven't realized yet for some odd reason, but you saw the cursed spirit just now didn't you? The ugly creature I just killed. That means you can use cursed energy, if trained. Not everyone can see those spirits."

Gojo shifted in embarrassment, nodding in confirmation as Tsumiki looked at him.

Megumi also realized that made sense, still apprehensive. "Are you saying you want to train my sister?"

Kouka smirked. "Very much. I have a fondness for strong girls, you know? And this child has much more potential than I first thought. Surprising too, considering how she isn't related to your father at all."

"Oh yes. Speaking of your father." Gojo spoke up, after they were out of the Ryōiki. "You dad sold you to us." He said bluntly. "Soooo, I'll be adopting you."

"You? That's disgusting." Megumi answered immediately. "I would rather be adopted by Kouka-san."

"Kid, I'm 13." She scratched her head. "I mean, I can, but like..I don't know how to take care of two kids."

"You won't have to. We won't bother you, and all you have to do is train Tsumiki. I can buy groceries, and I can do chores. Besides, the other man doesn't seem to be able to take care of kids anymore than you do." Megumi said.

"Hey!" Gojo protested. "That's mean!"

"Alright." Kouka nodded. "Tou-san." She lifted up her phone to her ear. "I want to buy the building on Saitama street. You know, the one next to Saitama Urami East Junior Elementary? Cool. Thanks."

Tsumiki stood open mouthed. "You're rich?" She asked.

"Yeah, and now you'll be too."

Tsumiki looked up in confusion. "You're going to be officially adopted into the Tsubaki clan, until you are 18. Then, you will become your own."

"What about my brother?"

Kouka smiled. "Your brother already belongs to a clan, called the Zenin."

With that, she handed Megumi and Tsumiki the apartment (now house)'s paperwork, and a few hundred dollars.

"I-in cash???" Megumi said in shock.

"Use it wisely. I'll come to visit you once in a while. And Tsumiki, I'm going to come to train you when you are 16."


"Are you sure that was the right move?" Gojo asked, as the two walked back to the Jujutsu College.

"Very much." Kouka answered curtly.

"Well, if you say so. But I'm going to make Megumi-kun stronger than your student."

Kouka sweat dropped. "That won't happen."

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