𝙶𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎

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"𝐈 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊, that when things settle down more, I'll open a school here

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"𝐈 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊, that when things settle down more, I'll open a school here." Kouka spoke suddenly, after the two were sitting back outside.

Toge loved every part of her castle like mansion. He looked up in surprise. Really? He signed.

"Yes. I won't teach, of course, since I absolutely loath children." The female leaned back, looking up at the sky. "It'll cost lots of money, of course, but it'll also be really profitable for me in other ways." 

The boy tilted his head, lifting up his hands again. Tell me more. He signed. 

"Hm...well, in a year or two, I'll graduate from the Tokyo Jujutsu College. I'm already technically a legal adult, but I'm still here as a student, and since I've got the funds thanks to my clan's large vault, I can open a small academy here. Tsubaki Academy of Jujutsu, I'll call it. I've already got a few kids in mind, and since there's only two actual schools, it'll be easy to get approval." 

Approval from who? 

"From the old man of the Kyoto school and the principal from the Tokyo school."

Just as Toge was about to answer, however, Kouka's phone rang. She picked it up reluctantly, sighing when she saw the caller ID. 

"What do you want?" She asked bluntly. 

"Kouka-chan! We need you and Inumaki-kun back at the school, asap!" The annoyingly cheerful voice of Gojo Satoru answered, completely ignoring the hostility in the female's voice. 

She sighed again, then promptly ended the call and stood up, looking down at the confused Toge. 

"Duty calls. Come on." She picked the boy up with one arm, and leaped up, blinking at the cold air rushing into her face. 


"Huh? He's dead?" Kouka blinked in confusion as she gazed around at the solemn and grim faces of everyone. "What, that idiot?" 

"H-he sacrificed himself..." Nobara muttered out, struggling to hold back tears. Megumi put an arm around her in comfort, showing a rare empathetic side of him. 

Kouka looked towards Gojo, who, for the first time in a long while, looked genuinely troubled. "Can you come with me for a sec?" She pulled the white haired man behind a wall. "Er-I hate to say this so bluntly, but he's not dead." She scratched her head awkwardly as his head snapped towards her in disbelief. 

"W-what do you mean? I swear, if you're just lying, I'll expel you from-" Gojo's eyes weren't visible, but the third year could feel the glare. 

"I'm not lying you asshole. Look, I can still sense his heart pumping blood, and his brain functioning. His body is still where you left it. I think he's just having a nice conversation with that stupid man inside of him." Kouka huffed in anger. "I mean, if it's what you want, I can just withhold my help, and you can do everything by yourself." 

Gojo opened his mouth, then closed it. "If you're wrong-"

"I'm never wrong. But your ungrateful ass is telling me you want me to be wrong. You know what? I'm just going to go back to the dormitories and have a nice evening with Inumaki." The girl turned to leave, stepping out from behind the wall, but the panicking teacher pulled her back. 

The others looked at each other in confusion as they heard furious whispers being exchanged. 

"Wait, I was wrong! Please help me!" Gojo pleaded, putting his hands together. 

"Hmph. That's what I thought, you  arrogant prick." Kouka slapped the man's hands away and flew up, grabbing the older's collar as she rose. "Sorry, but I'll be taking him with me for a little something." She waved goodbye to a disappointed Toge, and zoomed away, while ignoring Gojo as he protested at the harsh treatment. 

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