Back To Work

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The meeting hadn't gone well. At all. You were a hundred percent sure your father was extremely aware of your emotional situation with the new arrival, the man not letting his eyes off you since the minute you stepped foot in the palace's destined room for meetings.

His eyes were sharp, even angered, as he didn't even say a word throughout the whole development of the reunion. Instead, he stared. Judged. Intimidated. All negative and disappointed fatherly feelings towards you, a dumb and naive angel who was just getting to know what human feelings and interactions were like from the front row: your own body.

Then, it got worse. The minute your time to speak and update your father and his underlings came, all eyes were on you, and everyone knew. The poor little angel was falling for the hot shirtless human. What an idiot.

Still, you decided to keep your ground, being able to talk and present flawlessly until the meeting was done. Finally. Now, the only thing on your mind was that you'd get to go out and get some ice cream with your new friend.

"Miss, you really did terrible today." Said Michael innocently.

Maybe you hadn't been as put together as you thought during the meeting.

Pouting, you frowned at nothing in particular as you tried to remember how the meeting had gone through. You thought you had done well.

"What do you mean?" You asked your cherub.

"You were nervous and extremely guilty. We could all see it. Have you done something wrong?"

"I don't know." You replied tensely, sighing in attempts to calm yourself down. It didn't help. Nothing helped.

You were very confused as to what the hell was going on with you. For hundreds of years you had managed to work flawlessly, socially interacting with humans and arrivals without ever letting your guard down. You were great at what you did and you knew how important your job was for the realm, but suddenly, you didn't feel like you were being yourself anymore.

Your thoughts felt cloudy and it was all because, for the first time in your existence, your feelings were becoming stronger than your sense of duty, than your responsibility. Everything felt messy in your head.

Although you would hate to admit it, you were liking it. You were liking the rush and the passion you had never ever felt before in your whole life.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He continued.

"I just..." You vacillated. Maybe you needed some time on your own to think things over. "I just don't know."

Shrugging his shoulders, Michael proceeded to sigh softly and nestle himself into your neck.

Thank god the conversation was over.

"Were you going to meet Mr. Ace for ice cream later?" Michael yawned.

You hummed in confirmation, continuing to walk calmly through the halls of the palace. There wasn't really much stuff left for you to do around the realm now that your two brand new arrivals were settled down.

"I think I'll just stay in bed." Mumbled the cherub, small body weighing at your shoulder as he deflated in exhaustion. Your poor little angel was tired from so much work and, you assumed, from having to deal with whatever rollercoaster of emotions wandered through your mind.

"That's ok Michael. You should rest if you're tired." You smiled kindly, entering your room and helping your adorable angel off your shoulder and onto his cushioned little bed.

"Shands miss (y...)" He mumbled incoherently, falling asleep the minute his small head hit his blankets.

Smiling proudly, you extended your wings to the sides, stretching out your limbs as you got ready for a much deserved day of rest and of senseless patrolling. That meant flying around with absolutely no purpose and it was one of the most relaxing things to do on your day to day. Going back to your routine was going to be good for you as, you hoped, it would clear your head from unwanted thoughts.

Afterlife (Dead! Portgas D. Ace X Angel! Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now