Chapter Nine

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Philip's POV

              The Hamilton family carriage pulled up to the boys collage and two boys rushed out as soon as the doors were opened. Alexander and James Hamilton were no longer the rosy cheeked, curly haired, doe eyed toddlers they had been that day five years ago. Alex was nine now and looked more like his father every day. He was a naughty little boy who loved playing pranks on his siblings.

              His mother often wondered how her most well mannered  baby was such and handful now. It was generally agreed that this was because of his seven year old partner in crime James who was far from the two year old he had been. They were always together (and often fighting) however in spite of their love of tricks they never bothered "Papa" and rarely did anything to "Mama" either. This of course meant that they focused almost all of their tricks on Angie and Philip.

Angie stepped carefully out of the carriage after her brothers. Being careful not wrinkle her new white calico dress with the pink flowers. Angie was eleven now and could be particular, kind, tease, confidant and protector by turn. She could boss her four brothers every day if she wanted to. Never mind that Philip despite being only two years older was nearly a foot taller.

The newest Hamilton was three year old  John who had taken James title of "Baby boy" he looked Just like his mother who was pleased about this very much. Since Philip looked like his grandfather, Alex looked like his father. James looked like a mini version of his older brother and Angie resembled her maternal aunt more than anyone else in her  family. John was special to Eliza in other ways he had been born two years after the stillborn sister that had devastated the family. Eliza had wanted a daughter very much and feared she could not have any more children when John had come. They all thought it was right that he looked so much like her.

Philip himself had changed the least, as he was still tall, green eyed and brown haired. still a tease and a friend. as the little boys ran toward the river and Angie hurried of off to meet her best friend Marie. Philip was just about to go and meet his  friends; George, John and William, when he spotted two dots of color on the other side of the river that separated the men's and women's collages. as he looked closer he saw that it was Theo and her best friend Thea siting on one of the benches that lined their side. 

Unable to miss a moment to tease them he crossed the bride that went over the river and began to whistle bird calls. His grandfather had taught him how to make blue jay and cardinal calls so well that birds would chirp back. He had tried to teach Theo but she said that whistling wasn't lady like. She heard him and laughed when he did it. She knew that he was teasing her and Thea. Since she looked like a cardinal in her red cape and Thea looked like a blue jay in her blue one. 

"Good by Philip" she said. 

"Come on Theo lets go and see our dorms" said Thea


Theo could barley keep up with her friend as the hurried through the halls of Queens. When they finally got to their dorms Theo was surprised. the room was nicer than she had expected. In one corner there was a small stove and a washbasin. In another there was a tall wardrobe and chest of drawers and the last two both had large double dressing tables. Each wall had a low bed and Three were already made. Theo's was next to one of the four windows and chest of drawers. 

"Hello" said a voice behind her. It wasn't Thea because she was lighting the oil lamp by her bed with a candle. 

"I'm Sarah and this is my twin, sister Emily" said the girl standing in the doorway. 

She was a bit taller than Theo with red hair in a long braid down her back. Her dress was buttery yellow and she had a mischievous air to her blue eyes. Her sister was a little shorter, her hair a bit darker and her manner calmer. She was wearing a dark,leaf green gown. 

"We share your dorm" said Emily "Elizabeth told us about you". 

Right away Theo knew that she was going to like these girls. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Just a short chapter with some interactions I wanted to give you guys and update on the old characters because the new ones are important. As usual comment and tell me what you think!

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