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"Hope, come on. We have to get to school." I mumbled, pushing my sleeping cousin's shoulder.

After everything that happened, we came back to Mystic Falls so we could continue our schooling. We weren't allowed to go anywhere except home and school. And the Mikaelsons were staying in Mystic Falls for a while "to keep an eye on us." Now don't get me wrong, I wanted to get to know my family, but something about them being around was weird. I'm just so used to it being Hope, the Saltzman's, mom, and I. Now, I suddenly have two uncles, an aunt, and a dad. It's just very overwhelming having them around all the time.

"Okay, okay. I'm up." She mumbled, rolling out of bed

I watched as she grabbed a random outfit from her closet and walked into her bathroom to get ready. As she did so, I looked at the photos she had of us on her wall. Smiling, I remembered all the times we had before we found out we were family. I always thought of her as a sister, and it turns out she was my cousin all along.

"Okay, how do I look?" Hope inquired as she walked out of the bathroom. Turning around, I looked her up and down and tilted my head.

"You look like Hope Mikaleson." I said, shrugging with a stupid smile, and she rolled her eyes chuckling, as she threw a book at my head. I laughed and stopped it mid-air before watching it fall onto the bed. "Come on Mikaelson, I know you can do better than that." I taunted as I picked up her bag.

"Whatever, Mikaleson-Peirce." She teased, emphasizing the Mikaelson part. I rolled her eyes, not used to being called by my dad's last name.

"Peirce, just Pierce." I said as we walked out of her room.

Going down to the kitchen, we saw Caroline and Rebekah having a seemingly petty argument. Neither of us had a chance to listen in before they noticed us walk into the room.

"Good morning girls." Rebekah spoke first as she walked over and hugged us.

"Morning." We mumbled as Hope grabbed muffins, and I grabbed our iced coffee's from the fridge. Seeing as we were soon to be late, we didn't stay and talk.

Walking back to school felt foreign to me now. We weren't gone for too long, but it was long enough. Upon entering the school, I was greeted by a few of my friends. They pestered me with questions and hugs. I smiled awkwardly as I hugged them back and looked over at Hope.

"Okay, ladies. So, sorry to break this reunion up, but we have to get to class." Hope said semi sarcastically as she took my arm and yanked me away from the group of girls.

"Thanks, Hope." I said in thanks

"No problem, we're not just best friends anymore; we're family." She replied as we entered our potions class. I can't say that I missed class, but anything was better than being tortured by Kai.

"Vervain and Wolfsbane are to vampires and wolves, but does anyone know the herb or herbs that have a similar affect on withces?" The professor asked the class as he walked up and down the aisle of desks. The question, for some reason, made me itchy; I knew the answer. I had experienced the answer first hand.

I suddenly felt like my throat was closing up and my lungs began to burn as if I was being injected all over again. My mind was cloudy as I heard the faint sound of Hope saying my name.

"Ms.Pierce, would you care to answer the question?" the professor asked as she by my desk.

"I-it's um..I-"

"Azalea, Bloodflower, and Wisteria when mixed with a handful of other plants." A familiar voice interrupted. Turning around, Hope and I gasped seeing, Damien and Simon. The Salvatore sons.

Seeing Damien immediately made me smile. His eyes quickly met mine, and he gave me one of his dad's famous smirks. I was happy about seeing him, don't get me wrong, but I couldn't stop myself from hyperventilating.

The next thing I know is Damien kneeling in front of me, attempting to calm me down. He coaxed me into taking some deep breaths before he took my hand and pulled me out of my seat and into his arms.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are to take my student out of class?" The teacher asked as the boys, Hope, and I made our way out of the classroom.

"Oh, we're the Salvatore's." Simon said, cockily, before we continued our departure, listening to the whispers of the students.

The boys then led us outside to the courtyard. Damien immediately sat me down and looked at me with those icy blue eyes. He kept whispering sweet nothings to me as he wiped the tears from my eyes and kissed my forehead. After a few minutes, I was able to calm my breathing, and I just sat there, in his lap, with his arms around me.

"What are you doing here?" I finally asked as I leaned against his chest.

"I missed you." He mumbled as he brought his hand to mine and interlocked our fingers. I chuckled softly as I looked at our hands and thought back to the days we spent together.

"We only knew each other for like a week." I pointed out

"And both my dad and my uncle fell in love with my mom the moment they saw her." I laughed at his statement. It was true the Gilbert-Salvatore love triangle was the epitome of love at first sight.

"If we are going there, then technically they fell in love with my mom first. Your mom was a copy of the O.G model." I joked with a smirk and Damien rolled his eyes and playfully pushed me off his lap.

Smiling goofily, I kissed his cheek and put on his leather jacket. He smiled not being able to fake being mad at me and pulled me back into his lap kissing me.

"Aye get a room." Simon's bothersome voice announced, making me pull away from Damien and glare at him.

The glare didn't last long as the four of us broke into a fit of laughter and made our way off-campus. Hope and I didn't even care about classes at this point. We just wanted to have fun and relax after everything we had been through.

"So, what is there to do in this town?" Simon asked as we walked into the town square.

"Nothing really." I responded

"Yeah, just eating at the Mystic Grill and movies in the park." Hope commented

"Bummer." Simon said as we walked down the street.

"I guess the Salvatore's will have to show Mystic Falls how to party." Damien suggested with a smirk.

Simon looked at him with the same smirk, and Hope looked at me confused. I gave her the same looks as the boys took our hands and pulled us down the path with them. They couldn't possibly put a party together that fast right?


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Theories? ~ KK

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