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"Montreal come on it'll be fine" Hope said rushing around my room and putting clothes in bags as I kept a spell around the room so no one could hear us.
"Hope you're talking about running away!" Where are we even supposed to go?" I asked her as I watched her grab more things
"I dunno. We can go anywhere New York, Florida, oh what about California!" She said trying to reason with me
"Hope we're just in trouble we don't have to leave!" I said
"Montreal you know how I feel about my family after what happened to my mom. I came back to school because I needed a break from them. Now they're back and just like always it's chaos" She said throwing my bag at me
"Hope come on you love your family and now they're my family too" I said playing with my dads ring on my finger he gave it to me during our talk the first day I met him.
"Monty trust me..it's like we're going on vacation. It's just unplanned and unsupervised" She said sitting next to me as she became more and more convincing
I sighed thinking over it for a bit before I looked at her
"How about L.A?" I asked and she smiled hugging me
"I knew you'd come around" she said and I smiled at her
She took a moment to listen in on the adults conversation downstairs before she started getting dressed and I did too.
"Caroline just got here and they're filling her in. Now's our chance" She said pulling her backpack in and I hesitated before pulling mine on too
"Let's go" I mumbled as I ignored my conscience telling me not to go
She nodded and we quickly but quietly made our way out the window and down the fire escape on the side of the house. I watched as Hope quickly looked around to see if anyone had seen us before grabbing my hand and sprinting to a secret exit that led outside the school. A lot of kids used it to sneak out past curfew.
Once we made it out. There was a Chevy truck waiting for us.
"Who's car is this?" I asked as we put our stuff in the back
"Some kid that goes here. His dad is loaded and he has like six cars so he let me use this one" she said waving the keys at me and I snatched them from her
"You're a terrible driver" I said before getting in the drivers seat and she quickly followed and got in the passenger seat frowning.
"No I'm not" She protested as I drove off
"Hope you've crashed like 3 cars" I
said as I put my elbow on the side of the window leaning on it as I thought of turning around
"The last one wasn't my fault!" She yelled punching me I the arm making me laugh
"Mhm sure Whatever helps you sleep at night" I said turning on the radio " Hope..I really want to turn around" I mumbled
"Don't. It'll just be worse if we do" She replied at the same time as our phones went off with calls and texts and hope spontaneously threw them out the window
"Hey! We needed those!" I yelled at her
She just shrugged
"We can just new ones at the first town we stop at." she said and put her feet on the dashboard
I sighed shaking my head
My best friend is literally insane. Welp there's no turning back now.....

I'm sooooo sorry if this chapter is trash!! If it is plz tell me!
What do you think will happen in California?
Will Hope and Montreal find trouble? Or Fortune?

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