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Katherine's Pov
"If we don't find my daughter soon someone is going to lose a head!" I yelled as everyone proceeded to do absolutely nothing about the current situation.
"Oh Katherine, great to know you haven't changed one bit" Damon said sarcastically
"Watch it Salvatore I'm a lot stronger than you think" I growled at him
"Oh please Katherine, your precious daughter is missing and you're broken over it. You're weak" he said taunting me
Without thinking I started at him but I stopped when he had already been pinned by the throat by Kol.
"Now listen here mate. I don't particularly like Katherine either or like the thought of sharing a daughter with her. But I do want to find her just as much as Katherine. So if you are just doing to stand around and taunt her, as funny as it is, I will gladly proceed to rip your heart out of your chest" Kol threatened
Damon coughed trying to move his hand from his throat.
"Okay Okay" He chokes out making Kol let him
"Well now that you to have finished your quarrel. Shall we proceed in finding my nieces" Elijah said stepping into the conversation
Everyone nodded in agreement and we all walked up to the girls room since that was the last place they were.
Damons son walked in first and looked around.
"There's traces of magic in here..but it's not Hope or Montreal's" He said. Oh yeah forgot to mention the kid is a witch. Damon Salvatore with a witch son. Never thought I'd hear that sentence.
"Well then whose could it be?" Rebekah dumbly asked
As little Damon went to respond a chuckle came from behind us all. Turning I looked to see someone sitting on Montreal's bed..well not just anyone but Kai freakin Parker. How is he here?
"Well well well, glad to see the Brady Bunch is all together" he said with a smirk twirling a knife with blood on it...Montreal's blood. I could smell it. And I could tell the others could too by the look on their faces. "So I see you all got my invite to the game"
"What bloody game?" Rebekah asked
"Oh, where are my manners. The game where you do what I say and don't kill your precious daughters. Starting with the mouthy one since she got on my nerves" he said smirking
Oh how I wanted to rip that smirk off his face.
"What have you done to my daughter?" Klaus asked at the same time as I asked "What do you want?"
"Woah woah. I know I'm popular,but one at a time please. Hope is fine Klaus..for now. And what I want is simple. I want Lizzie and Josie Saltzman. I don't care how you get them but I want them given to me and then maybe I'll give your daughters back" He explained
"You're actually crazy-" I began to chew him out before Kol covered my mouth
"Game on" Klaus said smirking as he and Kai had a staring contest between psychopaths
Kai gave a dark chuckle before sitting the bloody knife on Monty's bed before looking at us.
"Have fun playing" And with that he disappeared
"Well I did not see that coming" Damon mumbled as a walked to the bed picking up the knife.
What has he done to my baby?......

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