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Kol's Pov
"Kai I know you're out there listening. Why don't you come out mate? I just want to have a little chat." I made sure I was far away form the others before seeking out the lunatic who's holding my daughter captive.
After my families failed attempts at tricking the bastard I knew they weren't smart enough to get this done. But I am and I plan on getting my daughter and neice back on my own.
"Kol Mikaelson all alone without his better known brothers. This should be interesting" I turned around and Kai was behind me leaning on the wall.
"Ah there you are. I'm here to make a deal with you." I said shoving my hands in my pockets. I know it may not sound like the smartest thing but I want to know what his little mind cooks up.
"What kind of deal?" He asked me as he stood off the wall.
"The kind where I get my daughter and my neice back" Obviously and he's supposed to be an evil genius.
"And what are you willing to offer?" He was intrigued by my offer I could tell but he didn't want to show it.
"That's up for you to decide. What's your price?" When I said that he looked surprised but smirked. I couldn't tell if I liked that's smirk or not.
"That's a dangerous thing to say Kol. I could tell you to kill your brothers, or steal a dark magic item or......Kill Katherine." He said the last part quieter then the rest like he had struck gold. "You really want those girls back Kol? You want your precious daughter in your arms again? Well great! You can have her back. You just have to kill her precious mother." He smirked the whole time he said it.
Kill Katherine? Don't get me wrong I don't like her, but Montreal loves her. She'd probably never forgive me if I did that.... Unless she didn't know that I did it or she forgot about Katherine completely. I know its a crazy idea. A terribly crazy idea but its a pretty good deal. Katherine gets out of my hair and we get Montreal and Hope back. You might think I'd be crazy to do that,but it's a bloody amazing idea in my mind...Burt Montreal would be heartbroken.
"So Kol,what will it be? Katherine or your daughter."

I know its kinda short. Sorry~KK😘😘

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