I made a new Friend!!

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---Lisa's POV---

While Al and I are talking, Ed's quiet and following behind as we make our way to where Al says Winry works at now. I'm actually kinda excited to see Winry again. It feels way too long ago. "So then she goes FLYING and crashes right into him and then- KA-BOOM!" I throw my arms up to imitate an explosion. "All the stuff he had flew all over the room and we were all just sitting there laughing and-" I sigh and shake my head, a good-natured smile pulling at my cheeks. "Man, that was one crazy day."

Al nods, giggling. "Especially that part about how they had to blow up that robot to escape the... what was it called?" I shrug and wave my hand in a circular motion. "If you're talking about the Egg, yeah. 'Specially since Goku was there." We both laugh as the shop Winry's working for comes into view.

I suddenly hear a worried yelp and Al and I simultaneously glance back at Ed who's started sweating nervously and holding his automail. He's stuttering like a moron and I can't help the strange noise that erupts from my throat. "Pffftttt, cahahaha!" I feel like that one evil Pokemon from Explorers of Time, laughing like this. "You friggin' wuss! You can take on a demon from the very pits of hell, but when it comes to Winry, you're a goddamned baby!" The reddening on his face makes me laugh even more, Al snickering at him as well, though the nervous sweatdrop on his helmet doesn't escape my attention. I flick away a tear and take a deep breath. "Oh man, that is *pfft* perfectly rich shit right there." Ed doesn't even try to retaliate.

"Hey, uhm, Lisa, how about you go and, uh, talk to, uh, Winry for a bit? So she doesn't, you know, try and, uhm... kill me?" I grin and laugh. "You are so hopeless Edward Elric." Al nods. "Actually Lisa, Brother's probably got a point." He shivers. "Winry kinda likes you so she's less likely to kill you." I roll my eyes and huff through my nose. "She can't kill me, you idiots. I'm kinda immortal and stuff, remember?" Ed pouts. "Well, still." I sigh and turn on my heels, waving a hand lazily over my shoulder. "Alright, alright, I'll try and calm her down before she kills you." I hear Ed say something to Al about how he's so effing dead.

Freaking moron.

I then wander into the shop to find Winry working on someone's automail. It's a girl with bright brown-ish eyes, though from this angle, it's hard to tell. She's wearing a gray hoodie and jeans. That's kinda weird 'cause I didn't think Amestris HAD jeans, especially not for girls. Her hair is a bit of a darker shade than mine and a little longer too, past her shoulder blades while mine still hardly passes my shoulders. Her eyes are focused on Winry, who's messing with the girl's automail leg.

"-and remember to oil it regularly. I've got some special oil that might help with this crick in your knee." The girl nods and smiles. "Thanks Winry, you're the best mechanic I've ever met." Winry closes the casing on the leg and grins up at her. "I do what I can." she says, sounding very proud of herself. I sigh. "Yo, Winry!" I call as I finally walk inside from the glaring heat. Both turn to me, Winry's eyes wide with surprise. "Lisa! What're you doing here?" She jumps to her feet and walks over. I shrug, smiling. "Ah, well, Ed's automail got busted up a little and he wanted me to come in and maybe convince you against murdering him."

The girl's eyes widen and I chuckle. "Not literally or anything." I tell her, to which she nods, smiling a little. Winry shakes her head, a vein popping slightly on her forehead. "That damn idiot." she grumbles. I sigh. "C'mon Winry, it's not that bad from what I've seen. The casing popped off and the arm is scuffed up, but it's not that big a fix. To be honest, he probably coulda just used alchemy to fix it. But he didn't 'cause he fears your reaction." I hold back the need to say 'because he likes you.' She sighs, the vein fading away. "I suppose you're right. Alright, I'll go take care of them."

She leaves and I turn my attention to the girl. She studies her leg, hopping up and stomping it to the ground a few times. "She did a good job." I remark awkwardly. She looks up at me and nods. "She's one of the best I've ever met." I smile and offer a handshake. "I'm Lisa." She glances from my outstretched hand to my face before grinning and shaking my hand. "Skye."

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