FUCK YOU AND YOUR SHIT BARRY! (PS, some Al and Lisa fluff)

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I bounce back several steps from Barry, blood dripping from my forehead, my left forearm, my left thigh and my right hip. I threw my blade at him some time ago and have since lost track of it. I stomp my foot to the ground, a wall of earth shooting up and blocking Barry from striking another blow. I pant, wincing at the pain in my side. 'What's the point of having advanced healing capabilities IF THEY DON'T WORK WHEN I NEED THEM?!?!' Lillian's laugh echoes in my mind. 'They only work when I'm in control or after a fight for you.' I growl, muttering curses for the stupidity of some of my powers. I glance over at Al who seems distracted. 'I can't be too concerned with Al right now, I gotta hold off Barry!' Said psychopath jumps over my earthen wall, swinging his blades in an attempt to slice me up. I yelp and fly back several yards and land, growling. "ALPHONSE!" I shout. "I COULD USE A HAND!" Al snaps out of whatever thoughts are going through his head and charges Barry. The two lock arms and I hear Barry tell Al something. I can't hear it but he is REALLY PISSING ME OFF. I fly at Barry, shoving him away from Al and kicking him into the building. "STAY OFF HIM YOU JERK!" I shout, a green aura exploding around me, my hair defying gravity. I fly at him again, dust billowing in my wake. Barry just barely dodges my punch. My fist breaks through the wall, pieces of concrete flying, a few nicking my cheeks. Barry raises his ax-knife, cackling madly. "I've got you now!" I break free of the wall and kick Barry in the face, his head flying backwards. Barry yelps and spins around, chasing after his head. My aura dissipates, leaving me panting heavily. "I'm... getting much too... *gasp* old for this..."

I take a deep breath and draw a circle in the air with my hand in front of me, fire sparking into existence. I throw my hand forward, flame spewing forth and nearly catching Barry had he not moved. I growl and flick my arm down and back, my mind bring forth the image of Ed versus Greed. That technically hasn't happened, but I know it's going to soon enough. I deadpan. "Aww man. I don't know if I'll be there for that." I sigh. "It'll be worth it I suppose." I'm so focused on this train of thought that I don't notice Barry running at me until almost too late. I dodge his blows by cartwheeling away from the building and towards Al. I push off the ground and backflip so that I'm next to Al, who's mind is elsewhere. Again. I elbow him harshly. "Pay attention or we're both mincemeat!" Just then Barry's blade flashes close to Al's face, his instincts of putting an arm just saving his head. "What's the matter bub?!" Barry shouts. "You're slowing down! Got somethin' on your mind?" He laughs. "Seems like even an ARTIFICIAL SOUL ain't perfect! The tiniest doubt enters your big metal head and you have a break-down!!!" Al blocks another blow as I just narrowly dodge being crushed by his huge metal foot. "Watch it!" I shout, getting several feet away from the fight. "Sh-shut up!" Al shouts at Barry. "I'm not-" He's cut off by Barry slicing at him. Their forearms lock in a blocking contest. "Just accept it." says Barry. I can nearly see his creepy grin. "You'll feel better that way." Barry uses his free hand to punch Al in the side, knocking the larger, but younger, suit over. I gasp and run. "Al!" Barry laughs insanely and lifts his blade. "I've got you now!" He shouts.

I skid in front of Al just as two bullets puncture Barry's glove, knocking his blade away. We all three gasp and turn to see- "Lieutenant Ross! Sergeant Brosh!" I call, happier to see them than I can explain. "Don't move!" shouts Ross, pointing her pistol at Barry as Brosh starts towards me and Al. Ross' expression is scarily serious and the fact that she's holding a gun is making her as scary as Hawkeye. I sweatdrop at the thought. "Next time I aim for your head." She says. I swallow nervously. "Now be quiet and hand the big guy and the girl to us." "Who the hell are you guys?" asks Barry. "We're the ones who are guarding the two you're trying to kill." I grin at Barry and stick my tongue out. Al grabs my arm and draws me back a step. Barry sighs, annoyed. "Aw nuts! Frickin' bodyguards! Just when things were getting interesting too!!" He rubs the side of his head as he remembers something. "Hey, shouldn't those security guards have kept out you riff-raff? Oh yeah, I chopped them up, didn't I?" My eyes widen. 'He didn't kill just the one guy?! He killed all three of them?!' My stomach threatens to heave at the thought of those men and their families. Barry shrugs. "My bad." Ross and Brosh exchange nervous glances as Barry tries to think of... something. Al pulls me behind him when it happens.

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