To the Desert

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Armstrong ends up carrying both of us to the Train, Ed demanding to know why and where and me complaining about the lack of food.

"But whyyyyy can't we stop and get something to eaaaatttt!!" I whine, allowing my head to rock back and forth between my shoulders. "We mustn't miss our train!" Armstrong declares, marching up to the station. Ed grumbles, his arms and legs dangling from over Armstrong's other shoulder. I reach over and poke his cheek. "Edddd~." "What do you want." he grumbles, glaring at me out of the corner of his eye. I sigh and allow my legs and arms to go limp.

"I'm booorrreeeeddddd."

"A minute ago, you were hungry!"

"Well, now I'm hungry AND bored!!"

Ed groans and slaps the heel of his palm to his forehead. Just then, Armstrong puts us both down and ushers us towards a waiting train. Ed grumbles and allows Armstrong to push him while I grumble and limply trudge aboard.

We sit down, me and Ed squashed in one seat with Armstrong sitting behind us like some kinda titanic guardian.

We rode the train for a few hours. At some point, I convinced Ed to play rock paper scissors again. Of course, I was winning by several rounds by the time the train pulled into Resembool station.

"You're cheating and I know it!" Ed continues ranting, throwing his arms up as I sigh and shake my head, smiling at the fool's antics. "I'm gonna catch you cheating eventually!" Ed shouts. I look over my shoulder, grinning. "Ed, no matter how many times you say it." I spin on my heel and flick him in the nose. He yelps and hops back a step, clutching his nose with wide eyes. "It won't become true."

I spin back on my heel and follow Armstrong to where Breda is leaning on a small car. 'How the hell are we all gonna fit in that?' "Major Armstrong, Ms. Green. I see you remembered to bring the Shrimp." Breda says, sending Ed into a fit. I sigh and grab his arm, bending it behind his head, making him yelp and cutting his tirade short. "For the love of God Ed, you're almost average height now, so chill the fuck out, cause I am not above knocking you out so we can get wherever we're going in peace."

Several moments later, we're all packed into the car, which, as I suspected, is a tight fit. At least, for me and Ed, who are squashed in the back while Breda is trying to keep Armstrong from over taking the driver's seat.

I squirm in my seat, wiggling my arms about. Ed holds up his arms to block my apparent flailing. "Would you just sit still?!" he demands. "Hang on!" I growl, swinging my legs up to rest across his lap. "There." I lean my back against the door and cross my arms. "Now I can feel my god damned legs." I glance up only to hold back a fit of laughter. Ed's face is bright red as he presses his back as far into the seat as he can. "C-can you-" "Nope!" I laugh at him struggling not to lose his cool.

After what feels like an hour, we arrive in the actual town of Risembool and drive to a small building that looks almost less noticeable than the others. Ed, being the only one who has absolutely no clue what's going on, follows along with a look close to the one the sheep we saw while driving had. I mean, I know what's going to happen to an extent, but I'm not going to be that much help if he asks.

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