To Dublith I Go!!

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My feet make a soft tap tap sound as I land. It's not even noon, only an hour after I left Central. My hands slide into my pockets as I walk into town. I landed in the forest surrounding the small town of Dublith. From above, it seemed like a quiet little town. Now that I'm walking around, it's actually a bustling little place where the people are quite friendly, calling hello as I pass. I glance around, mentally noting everything before realization hits me: I haven't got a clue on where Izumi's house is. I sigh. "Man, I didn't want to be awkward and ask for directions...." I grumble and walk up to the first person I see: A man who looks no older than maybe early twenties with scruffy looking black hair, a white headband and wearing an apron over his clothes. "Uhm.. excuse me?" I tap his shoulder. He turns around, holding a bag of flour over his shoulder. "Oh! Can I help you with something kid?" I smile nervously and nod, a flush of nervousness on my cheeks. "Uh, yes. Could you give me directions to a Miss Izumi Curtis' house?" He brightens up, grinning. "Oh, you need Mrs. Izumi? I'm on my way there now actually. Tag along!" I grin and nod, glad that I'm not going to have to wander around on my own. I walk along beside him, looking around and attempting to acquaint myself with the tiny town.

"So, what's a kid like yourself doin' here in Dublith, looking for Miss Izumi of all people?" I smile up at him. "I gotta wait for some friends who won't be here for at least a day, and she's the only person that I know they know." He tilts his head and adjusts the sack of flour. "Oh really? What are their names?" "Edward and Alphonse Elric. I think they were her students at one point." "Ah, so you know the Elrics do you?" I nod. "Yeah, do you?" He chuckles. "Everyone in town has heard of those two. Only students Miss Izumi ever had." I chuckle. "I can't imagine why." He chuckles. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself." He offers me a hand shake. "I'm Mason, a worker at the Curtis's butcher shop." I smile and shake his hand. "Lisa Green." "Nice to meet ya Lisa."

We continue walking to the shop, me asking him a bit of what the guys were like when they were younger and explaining how I met them in the first place.

It was funny seeing his slack-jawed reaction to that part.

He even told me about being the guy on the island during their training and how they didn't find out till later, which I laughed much harder than I probably should've.

We finally get to the butcher shop. I can see the house is a part of the actual shop. If I recall, that was only in the anime. Mason opens the door and I follow him inside. "Yo boss!" He calls as he takes the flour to the kitchen. "I've brought home someone who wants to see ya!" I stand at the front counter, swaying back and forth nervously. 'Shitshitshitshitshitshit! I better not mess this up! I wanna give Izumi a good impression of me! She's just... AGH! MY GOD I'M SO EXCITED I THINK I'M GOING TO PASS OUT! I GET TO MEET IZUMI!!! EEEEEEEE!!!' I bounce in place a few times in excitement. 'Izumi is, like, my favorite female character next to Oliver! They are just... EEEEE!' I press my lips together in a huge smile, attempting to contain my excitement when the whole building seems to bounce. I yelp.





*BAM* The door behind the butcher's counter slams open and a RIDICULOUSLY large figure enters the room. I bounce up a few inches after every step until he stops. The figure towers over me by at least two feet and looks down at me. I know most people would start to cower, but I contain the need to hug the huge man. "Can I help you?" Sig's voice is deep and damn near thunderous. I can actually feel it vibrate my entire being. "Yeah, I'm here to see Izumi." He nods and turns, motioning for me to follow him. I trail after him, the booming not quite as harsh now for some reason.

I follow Sig to a room in the back. He pushes the door open and motions me inside. I step inside and get my first glimpse of the most terrifying and motherly woman in the entire FullMetal universe. She sits up, her pale skin standing out more against her black hair. She smiles warmly. "I heard you've come looking for me?" I grin and nod eagerly. "Y-yes ma'am!" "Whatever for?" I walk closer to the bed and sit in the chair by the window. "That's kind of a long story..." She chuckles. "Well, I've got time, unless you have somewhere to be." I shake my head.

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