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Third Person POV

"You're a corny fuck, I could have shit corn by the end of the interview." Mikey says as he ruffles Frank's short hair.

"That makes no sense, and that was kind of disgusting." Frank crosses his arms and leans back in his chair.

"It's your fault for being corny." Mikey mutters.

"I'm corny and I'm proud!" Frank shouts.

Mikey and Ray finally watched the interview, they immediatly started teasing Frank.

But, deep down inside, Ray and Mikey thought it was sweet. Mikey loved that Frank cared for Gerard so much.

Frank's POV

"Alright, I should head home. Gee is probably waiting for me." I say as I pack my guitar into its case.

"See you tomorrow cheesy man." Ray says with a devilish smirk.

I chuckle and flip off the curly haired man.

The moment I step outside our studio I became blinded by flashing lights. I groan.

The paparazzi.

I never thought a band like My Chemical Romance would be attacked by paparazzi, I was wrong.

The first time paparazzi came after me was while I was taking a piss outside in a bush. I can't exactly remember why I was taking a whizz in the poor plant, but it happened. My bare ass ended up on magazines for months.

The first time Gerard was attacked by the paparazzi was less embarrassing than my experience, but still extremely uncomfortable. Gerard was shopping in a comic book store. Just minding his business. When the paparazzi pounced on him. I remember when Gerard came home he was nervous and looking through all of our windows to make sure no one followed him home.

I remember the first time Ray got pounced by the paparazzi. Mikey was half way through recording his bass track when Ray swung the door open and slammed it shut. He pressed the palms of his hands against the door and was breathing at a rapid pace. Before we could ask what was wrong there was loud banging and muffled voices just asking for a picture.

All of Mikey's paparazzi experiences aren't that bad. They normally respect him and his privacy, they'll get a picture or two, maybe a couple statements from Mikey, and that's it. The lucky bastard.

"Frank! Frank! I would love to know if-"

"Hi Frank, can you tell us-"

"I heard that-"

"Do you really-"

"Is it true that you-"

I would start to listen to one person talking, but another would cut in. I couldn't hear a single person actually finish their question.

Sometimes the paparazzi comes in packs, sometimes it's just one or two people. This, was a pack.

I try to squirm my way out of the crowd of cameras that surronded me, but I couldn't. My short height never did me any favours.

I could faintly hear the studio door open and close behind me. There was a short moment of silence and in the moment of silence I heard a firm, "Out."

I couldn't see who said it, but they scared the paparazzi away.

I sigh and turn around. "Thank you so much." I say with a grateful smile.

It was Ray.

"Huh, I didn't know you had paparazzi scaring powers." I say with a curious tone.

"I can get scary and mean. Thankfully, you haven't had to experience that side of me. Yet." Ray says with his signature smile.

"What's it like?" I ask.

"What's what like?" Ray questions.

"What's angry you like?" I ask.

"Maybe you'll find out one day." Ray says before walking back into the studio.

Now, I want to know.

This is a flaw of mine. When someone tells me I haven't expeirenced something, I want to expeirence it.

I want to know how angry I can make Ray.


Remember, don't be a silent reader!

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