Chapter forty nine: The ending

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Dabi watched Izuku take another step back before falling off the building, that was when the bombs went off as well and he watched Izuku fall as buildings exploded.

He watched him fall with fear in his eyes and pain in his stomach, this can't be real.

Hawks was in the air that's when he noticed Izuku was falling, he tried to fly towards him but his wings were caught by a villain keeping him from helping out.

Hisashi was trying to run as fast as he could, he can't lose Izuku he already lost Inko and that was enough. He may not show it but Izuku really is the whole world to him.

The night came and the wind was cold, Hari was sitting with hisashi just replying the scene where they all watched Izuku crash down to the ground. But why didn't the try any effort to save himself just a bit? Maybe this is what he wanted.

Dabi was also sitting on the ground at his home, he felt angry yet sad. What the hell was wrong with him? Why didn't he move? Why didn't try to save him? Instead he stood there and watched him fall.

The rained poured the day Izuku's funeral Hisashi, Hari, Dabi and the members of the league still can't believe it. His funeral was the same day when the hero's and people found out that he was forced to be part of the league and help them out.

Some felt guilty after that information was out. And others were just not believing it and it made Hari really mad. It made everybody that was close to Izuku mad that some people were actually happy that he was gone, those people are just shit.

Two years later Dabi had woke up and he turned to the other side of the bed to stare at the frame of Izuku that was on the night stand. He got out of bed and went to the kitchen and he saw a box sitting there, it confused him. That box was never there before.

He opened it and took the paper out to read what it said.

Yay! You woke up and found my note :)
Hurry up and have breakfast I'll be waiting for you~

He frowned rereading the note before changing and leaving his place. He went to Izuku's home and he climbed up to his window, he entered and saw another box sitting on Izuku's desk.

Oh! You thought I'd be home?
I'm most definitely not, I'm at a special place where I feel happy, you should know where <3

"This is weird.... but a special place....where he's happy...."

"It's Mr crabs! Look Dabi! He's small" "the ocean is so pretty, don't you think?" "It's a turtle Dabi! It's a turtle! It's so cute"

"The beach..."

When he got there he saw no one, he walked more and that's when he wasn't sure if his mind was messing with him or if it really was him.

He saw Izuku spinning around and when he stoped he giggled before giving the small turtle he had in his hands a small kiss. His hair was green again and he was wearing a white shirt stray jumpsuit.

"Izuku...." He turned and stared at Dabi before placing the turtle on the ground. He looked at Dabi before running towards him and jumping in his arms with a smile.

" are you even...I watched you fall!" "Ha, I know you did, but I actually survived it" "then...who was in that casket? Cuz...I'm really confused I mean you were gone for two years and everyone was like balling their eyes out even Shigaraki" "ha really? Funny but no one was in there, and no my dad wasn't aware he thought I was dead"

"Why'd you fake it?" "Pressure, there was just too much going on and I just wanted to live life freely you know?"

"I got to experience that these past two years but I got lonely, I missed it when my dad will literally drag me out of bed and down the stairs, and when Hari would come to my room to bug me and when you'd come through my window just to bug me"

"Does your dad know that you're actually alive?" "He and Hari found out last year, my dad just didn't let me find you, he told me I had to turn eighteen to leave and get back with you"

"I'm nineteen now because the day I supposedly died was the same day where I turned seventeen"

"But hey, at least my dad is allowing me to marry you now" "wait what?" "Marry me? Your most famous line, do you?" "Are you serious?" "Yep, I'm serious Dabi I want to marry you now"

And that's what happened.
Their wedding was at the same beach. And right now Izuku was giggling when he saw Dabi "why are you crying? You're not the type to cry Dabi" he said laughing wiping Dabi's tears away.

"I'm just...Happy, I really thought I would live without you" "ha, well you're not, I'm right here Dabi" Izuku said pulling Dabi for a kiss.

"Wait-are you crying too?" Hari asked Hisashi "I'm not" "ha! You are! Omg" hawks watched the two married couple with a soft smile on his face, he's.... happy for them.

It was night and Izuku was with Dabi at their own house. Hari and Hawks had actually decorated the whole house before they moved in.

"Hey, wanna see something?" Izuku asked Dabi "sure" He put his hands together as they glowed and crystals formed in his palm as they shaped themselves. When it was done Izuku had smiled showing Dabi.

It was a crystal figure of the two together holding hands. Dabi smiled before taking it from Izuku and putting it on a shelf besides the photos of their journey together from the beginning and to the end.

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