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"So you had fun last night huh?"

You struggle to open your eyes in the light. You snuggle into the warmth of the person to your side.



you realize you had been cuddling Leon's arm as he rested his sleeping head on yours. You quickly sit up.

"Here hun drink this."

You look up to see Aoi holding a cup and an aspirin in front of you while Sakura cleaned up the shot glasses.

"What is that?"

"It's a hangover remedy. Judging by the scene I'm assuming you need it. I made one for leon too."

You take the aspirin and chug the remedy.

"Uh oh"

You look to the side to see leon rubbing his eyes. Aoi hands him another cup and aspirin.


"You didn't take advantage of her did you?" Sakura gives leon a death stare

"What no!" You yelled

"Just making sure."

Aoi smiles. You stable yourself before going to your room to change. You change into the first thing you see which was a tank top and another pair of leggings. You went back to the living room immediately plopping onto the couch not even caring to take a shower.

"Okay well we'll leave you two alone now."

Aoi winks. You turn over and groan into a pillow as leon laughs and the door closes. You feel Leon's eyes on you so you sit up to look back at him. He smirks at you and you cant help but blush. You look at a clock hanging on the wall. 7:30.

"Why did Aoi wake us up so early?"

"Dont know. Hey I have a question."

"Go for it."

"Do you want to go to the cafe downstairs for like... a date?"

Leon rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"Right now?"


"You want to go on a date right now... while we are hungover?"


"Okay as long as you put on a shirt"

You laugh at him as he runs to change. You dont even care to brush your hair but instead you put on shoes and wait for leon to come back out to the living room.

"Okay let's go"

You follow as he opens the door for you. You begin to walk to the cafe and feel Leon's hand slide into your arm intertwining your fingers.

You arrive at the cafe and see other students staring at you two. You take a seat anyway. You order your coffee and wait for it to be ready.

"You know it's funny how you asked me on a date within a week of knowing me."

You rest your head on the table.

"Actually it's even funnier how we technically live together within a week of knowing each other."

Leon traces the lines on your hand.

"Oh yeah."

Your drinks are ready so you decided to pay before leon could.

"Hey I was gonna pay for that." Leon said grabbing his coffee.

"Too late." You smirk at him.

You end up having a conversation that lasts for an hour. You learned a lot about him. It may not always seem like it but he is a really sweet guy.

"So I really like you." Leon said with a wide grin. "Do you think maybe we could be like...a couple?"

You didn't blush this time but instead, you locked eyes with him and sat there for a second. Suddenly you couldn't take it anymore. Despite all of the people around, you leaned forward closing the gap between you two with another soft kiss.

"So was that a yes?"

"Yes dummy" you said chuckling a little.

You both had finished your drinks and started to grow bored of the setting.

"Can we go take a nap or something?"

You are almost falling asleep at the table.

"Of course. I'm tired too let's go."

You couldn't help but notice a mischievous spark in Leon's eyes. Dismissing that from you mind, you walk back to your dorm together. As soon as you walk in you take off your shoes and plop back onto the couch. Leon laughs at you doing so carelessly. leon climbs above you and kisses you passionately. His body heat is comforting. You wrap your arms around his neck. He throws off his shirt, goes in for another kiss but froze. There was a knock on the door. You pushed leon off and gave him agrin that said "you get it".

Leon quickly grabbed a shirt while you snuggled under a nearby blanket. Leon swung the door open looking annoyed. It was Mondo. Standing behind him was kiyotaka and a kid from another class with pink hair, a beanie and some scary looking teeth. Apparently his name was kazuichi soda. Nice name.

"Dude you said you were gonna hang out with us today." Said mondo leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.

"Oh shit I totally forgot." Leon ruffled his hair back.

Mondo peeked his head into the dorm.

"Are you coming too...uh?"

"(Y/n)." You said awkwardly waving.

Leon looked back at you.

"We are just gonna see a movie. Come on it'll be fun." Leon grinned.

The thought of his presence made you feel better.

"Sure I'll come." You say with a soft smile and a little more confidence.

"Great. Give us like 15 minutes to get ready." Said leon inching the door closed.

"Whatever. We'll be waiting."

You go to your room to get ready. Mondo doesn't seem like a guy with much patience. Leon went to grab some clothes out of a bag he still hadn't unpacked while you stepped into your closet flipping through hangers. You find an outfit that looks comfortable and took off your shirt when suddenly you feel a pair or strong yet gentle arms wrapping around your waste.

"Leon-" you sank into the warmth anyway.

"Sorry I just needed a hug. I'll let you get dressed now" leon smirked.

"Thank you" you said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Finally, you had both changed so you leave the dorm and walked out to the schools front doors where Leon's friends are waiting.

(Oh smut won't go further than that btw)

That Stupid Fire - Leon Kuwata X Reader Where stories live. Discover now