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There she is. Kanon sitting on your desk waiting for you. You approached her with a smile not wanting to stir up any dumb drama. Though it looked like she had other intentions.

"Um hey I didn't know you attended Hope's peak." you said

"I don't. I just came to visit."

"Uh right well that's my seat could you please move?" You politely ask

"I don't know can you keep your hands off my cousin?"

"No but you can move so please do so now." You say with a straight face. You were not ready to put up with any bullshit.

"Whatever." she left the classroom.

That was odd

"You okay (y/n)?" Aoi walked sat in the desk next to you.

"Yeah just my boyfriend's obsessive cousin y'know a normal day."

                             Time skip

School was finally over. You had made plans with Leon to meet up at the music room so that you could teach him a bit of guitar and get away from Kanon. On your way to the music room your phone buzzes.

Hey I can't make it to the music room Kanon is making me hang out

Damn I'm not surprised

Could you maaaayyyybe come with?




Cuz you can be my human shield

That's not very convincing


Ehhhh what are you guys gonna do?

She wanted to go shopping but I refused so we settled on getting icecream

Right so why would I want to come with?

So you can get a chance to hang out with your loving boyfriend

And his cousin who is obsessed with him

I'll buy you fancy guitar picks


Cool meet me in front of the library in 5

You rushed to the library to find Leon's old car already waiting at the curb. Leon greeted you with a kiss once you were sitting comfortably in a worn leather seat.

"Nice car"

"Thanks. Its It's older than I am." He put it onto drive and eased his foot on the gas. "Hey put on your seatbelt."

You scoffed. "If your going to be maintaining this speed for a while, I don't think it'll be necessary."

"Come on please?" He looked at you for a second with a tinkle in his eye.

"But if I'm lucky enough, I'll just go into a coma and I won't have to be your human shield for Kanon."

"Dude I'm serious." He pulled over to the side of the empty road, crossed his arms and grinned like a child with a candy bar. "I'm not moving this car until you put on your seatbelt."

"That's a bit dramatic."

"Guess you've fallen in love with a dramatic person."

"Who says I love you?" The same grin spead across your face.

That Stupid Fire - Leon Kuwata X Reader Where stories live. Discover now