The Fire

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It's Saturday.

You wake up to noises in the kitchen. Not knowing who could be here you grab a bat from under your bed just in case.

You slowly walk out to the kitchen ready to swing but then you spot Leon's red hair. You relax and put the bat down.

"What are you doing here I almost knocked you out?" You say while standing there in your pajamas.

"Sorry I fell asleep here." He said while at the same time raiding your fridge.

"Why didn't you just go back to your dorm?"

"You told me to make myself at home." Leon replied with a smirk.

You roll your eyes and go back to your room to get changed. You make sure to lock the door just in case.

You change into a hoodie and some leggings and brush your hair. Once you've washed your face and brushed your teeth, you go out to the kitchen to tell Leon to go to his own dorm.

He protested but finally left. You make food and eat breakfast while watching your favorite show. A little while later your phone buzzes.

It's Aoi.

She asks you to come over to her dorm to hang out. Of course your response was yes and you went over to her dorm.

When you knock on her door and she answers within a few seconds with a smile. She seems excited. She pulls you into her bedroom and puts on music. You sit on a bean bag in the corner and she sits on her bed.

"So what's up?"

"Well I kind of wanted to ask your opinion on something." She says swaying her feet along with the music.

"Okay shoot." You sit back in the bean bag to stare at the ceiling.

"Okay well I know this is last minute but I was thinking of asking Sakura to the dance." She adds somehow not looking nervous at all.

"Oh that would be a great idea! How are you going to ask her?"

"Well that's what I need your opinion on."
She looks frustrated as if she had thought it over a million times.

"I think you should be direct. Just ask her straight up."

For some reason the only thing that came to your mind was Leon.


"What about you?"
"Who are you going with?" She sits up and looks at you with an excited expression.

"Uh I don't really think I'm gonna go."

"Aw why not y/n? I see Leon flirting with you. Maybe he'll ask you to the dance." She says with a giggle.

"What- no he wasn't flirting I- stop looking at me like that!" You bury your face into a pillow.

Was he really flirting? Am I blind? No

You and Aoi hang out together for a while until she leaves to go ask Sakura to the dance.

Once you get back to your dorm you make food and get back to your TV show.

You made pizza rolls with some apple juice.

Now that's a real dinner

At one point you decide to lay down and read. When you check the time it's already 8:00. That must mean everyone is in gym for the dance.

You read for a bit when suddenly you are startled by what sounds like a fire alarm.

You cover your ears and hurry outside your dorm. It looks like it is coming for Leon's. You run outside to the schools entrance. People are already there by the time you are. Turns out it was a pretty small fire so it didn't take to long to put out.

Once everything was safe, monokuma (the principal) decided that everyone should just go back to their dorms and Leon and his roommate Mokoto should find a friend to stay with.

The principal is uh... interesting. Once you settle back into your room you find that you aren't as tired as you thought you would be.

Despite the time, you realized you should text Aoi and see how it went with Sakura.

She immediately replied of course.

"It went great! She said yes and I mean why wouldn't she I'm beautiful lol anyways text you in the morning."

You couldn't help but laugh at the text. You were very happy for them. You were about to pick up the guitar to practice quietly when there is a knock at the door.

You answer wondering who it could be that late at night and of course once you open the door you see Leon.

"What do you want now?"

"Do you think maybe I could stay in your dorm for a bit?"

"Seriously? Dude this is a girls dorm." You say about ready to shut the door.

"Well yeah but you're my best friend right? Nobody else has a free bed and monokuma won't give a shit. Plus you are the only other musician." He said picking up his only bag.

Friend? Also wait I thought his ultimate was baseball?

"Whatever. As long as monokuma won't care"

You move to let him in. He walks to the room to unpack things.

"Okay so we should set some ground rules."

"Ha ha" you retort sarcastically.
"No but seriously. First, always knock before entering. Second, I'm going to put up a curtain between our two beds so it's almost like we have our own rooms so don't be a perv please. Third, don't touch my shit okay? Oh and clean up your messes." You say hoping he understands.

"Okay okay mom."

You roll your eyes

"Wait so how did the fire in your dorm start anyways?"

"Oh well uh I tried to cook." He says nervously.

"Seriously? That's it? Aren't you like seventeen?"

You laugh at him
"I feel attacked." He replies jokingly.

You pick up your guitar to go practice in the living room. You warm up with a few scales then start playing Blackbird by Yhe Beatles.

You were about to sing but then Leon walks into the livingroom.

"Hey I know that song."

Doesn't everyone?

"Oh yeah I really like The Beatles." You say setting down the guitar.

"I used to know a little guitar."

"What made you stop?"

"My dad wanted me to play baseball. He said that I would be more likely to succeed."

"Well did you enjoy playing guitar more?"

"Definitely" he answers quickly.

"Well I think I should get to sleep."

"Okay goodnight."

"Night" he replied.

That Stupid Fire - Leon Kuwata X Reader Where stories live. Discover now