Revenge! Kind Of

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Finally, you caught up to Leon in the parking lot.

He stood at the passenger's side of his car and held the door open. "M'lady." He gestured to the seat.

You got in and watched him scurry to the other side. "So why do we need to see Kanon?" You asked him as soon as he sat in his seat.

"I told you," he put the key in ignition "to get revenge."

You listened to the engine turn over and replied, "Elaborate please."

"Well," he thought for a moment before continuing "you didn't send any text while we were in the music store right?"

You watched as he pulled out of the parking space. "Yes we just went through thi-"

"WAIT!" He slammed on the brake. "Put on you seat belt." You were now sitting in the middle of the school parking lot.

"Leon I swear we are not doing this again." You crossed your arms.

"You're right." Suddenly, he reached over you to grab the seat belt.

"You're goatee is tickling me!" You couldn't help but laugh a little.

He stopped for a second only to give you kiss on your forehead where his small beard had brushed. "Sorry."

"How could I not forgive you after that adorable apology?" You said as he buckled your seat belt which made the click sound once more.

"I am pretty adorable aren't-"

Honk! Honk!

Leon was interrupted by someone else's car horn which made you jump. On instinct, leon rested his hand on your leg to calm you. He rolled down his window a bit and shouted an apology and was about to drive out of the parking lot until the other driver shouted something back. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Go, go, go!" You told him and he sped away from the school.

"That was funny." Leon put on the radio and turned it up very loud. Then out of nowhere, he pulls out two pairs of sunglasses and hands one to you.

Of course, you had no other choice but to laugh. Still, you put on the sunglasses. "Leon what is wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Just look at this." He gestures towards his own face that wear the dark glasses.

"Eh you got me there. I guess there really is such a thing as perfection." You started to relax to the music too. "So are you going to explain this to me?"

"Well did Kanon ever get ahold of your phone?" He glanced at you then back onto the road as realization beamed upon you.

It was so obvious. "Ohhhhh! Shit why hadn't I thought of that before? So you think she sent the text and deleted it after you saw?"

"Yep. So you did leave it with her?" He raises an enquiring eyebrow that tells he need more reassurance.

"Yes," you leaned a bit closer "I left it with her when I went to the bathroom. Yeesh how nasty was the text?"

He turned into a hotel parking lot. "Very." He responds.

Seems the place she is staying is pretty close. No wonder she beat you to the mall the other day. "So, do you know what you are going to say?"

"We are going to make it clear that we know what she was trying to do," He continues "And we are going to rub it in her face that it didn't work."

You open the car door and set down the sunglasses. "Sounds like a plan." You step out of the car and enjoy the cool breeze. A breeze you were not prepared for. A slight shiver travels down your spine. Leon, being the caring man he is, notices and of course has a cliche solution.

He shakes off his jacket. "Put this on." He held the jacket for you to slip on with ease, and you did.

"What about you?"

"I'm fine. Look long sleeves." He yanks the sleeves on his shirt to show it's comfortable.

He pulls you closer and starts walking. You sink into the comfort of both him and his jacket. And he was right, he radiated heat and showed no sign of even the slightest shiver. His jacket was surprisingly comfortable. You felt like you could drown in the warmth it provided and the perfume it gave off. The scent was of Leon. You could never quite put your finger on what it was, but he just always had this sweet smell to him. Weird, I know, but so comforting.

You passed the lobby and are now in the main area with the rooms. "Do you know which room she is staying in?" You ask Leon who seems to be leading the way.

"Yeah. She texted me earlier. Told her that I'm just coming to say bye." You soon stopped at a room labeled "13".

Leon knocked on the door. "Hey Kanon it's me." She opened the door around five seconds after that. And she did not look happy once she saw the scene.

" Hey give his jacket back! You shouldn't be here." Her face was cherry red and what gleamed in her eyes was scary. Almost scary enough to phase either of you.

You visibly snuggle into the jacket. "Yeah, I don't think I will. It's very comfortable."

"Kanon, we know what you have been trying to do," Leon started. "And if you couldn't tell already, it isn't working."

You let a little chuckle slip out. Man, was Kanon ready to pounce. "You snarky bitch!" She moved the slightest bit closer.

"Snarky? Me? Pfft, never!" You sarcastically wave your hand with that. "This has been fun though, I thank you for that."

"Okay, okay, well we just wanted to stop by and make that clear to you. By the way I do have plans to tell your father about this. You need to back off it's just weird." He grabs your hand intending to leave. "Anyways, later."

You wave. "Safe travels." The girl's jaw was on the floor by now. She looked so shocked. Lucky you, she couldn't even get a word out. You both turn and walk back to the car. Why do people say revenge doesn't feel good? Though all you really did was tell her she failed, but later Leon did make that call to his uncle. He was beyond disgusted, and informed you that Kanon won't be visiting again anytime soon.

AnD yoU LiveD HaPpilY EveR aFtEr

The end

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