25. Annihilation (part two)

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"Call Lorenzo Romano."

Nobody moved, seemingly frozen in fear and apprehension. Maybe they were too shocked to register the dire situation they were in. I knew as well as they knew that when Lorenzo comes to know that his heir had become a hostage despite being surrounded by his men, he would kill them all to avenge his son's honor.

My sadistic smirk widened like a maniac.

"Hm, your men seems a little slow, Dante." I giggled in a sing song. "I should I give them an incentive to work faster?"

And before anyone could stop me, I dug my ridiculous heels into his thigh mercilessly. Dante let out a low shout of pain because that was where a healing gunshot wound of his was. The men around us watched in horror as Dante started bleeding through his grey slacks.

"Oopsie, I totally didn't know that you had a gunshot wound there from the Russians." I sang in his ears with a sad pout.

"You b*tch! When I get my hands on you, I will—" Dante raged like a wounded animal in my hold.

"Ah, ah, ah! No promises you can't keep." I noticed the men jump into action, multiple people calling Lorenzo at the same time. "I may have given them too much incentive. But this works too. Let's wait for your daddy, yes?"

He didn't reply but chose to remain complaint under my hold angrily. I ran my free hand through Dante's hair casually as we waited for the senior, as though we were not in a captor-hostage situation.

"Wow, Dante your hair has so much volume." I marveled as I combed through his black hair. "Which shampoo do you use?"

Dante didn't reply but simply grit his teeth. I frowned.

"You won't tell me? Alright then, keep your secrets." I rolled my eyes.

Just as I was about to pester him again, the door to the entrance was thrown opened and a crazed Lorenzo stormed through the doorway. Two men who flanked him closed the door shut and locked it. I smiled widely.

"Lorenzo, hi!" I chirped at the angry Italian. "We waited so long for you to show up. Didn't we Dante?"

Once again, my captive glowered silently. And so, I took the liberty to ignore him. The one who spoke was, instead, my captive's restless father.

"What do you want?"

The senior Romano was surprisingly levelheaded for someone watching his son bleeding and at the mercy of a woman holding him in her gunpoint. But regardless his words, I noticed the way his eyes lingered on the wound on Dante's thighs.

"Sure, let's talk business. Come have a seat."

I waved at the sofa in front of me, as though I was in my own home. I caught the way his jaws ticked in irritation as he took a seat opposite to me. Luca and Ferro stood close to him, ready to retaliate the moment I take any untoward action against their Made Man. I wanted to roll my eyes at their paranoia; I couldn't possibly kill Dante and Lorenzo without dying in between and believe it or not I was not suicidal. The most I could do was to finish off the younger Romano in my grasp and escape with light injuries. Maybe they've figured the same, hence why we were at this stalemate.

"Now speak." Lorenzo growled at me.

"Calm down, old man." I grinned. "Why are you in such a hurry?"

I watched with amusement as he tightened his fist.

"Is it my men killing their way through your base?" I continued my taunt. "Or is it the Russian informant?"

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