22. The Pain That Is The Consequence Of Love

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Gabriella Rizzo

(A/N: You did NOT expect that did you?)

"Amor mio. Must you do this?"

Daniel asked me one last time as our rental Range Rover came to a stop in the parking lot, gripping the steering wheels in a white knuckled grip. I turned to my handsome husband whose brows were marred with a frown I didn't like. I entwined my fingers through his and sighed at good it felt. It felt natural like coming home. I smiled.

He was my home.

"Do you not trust me?" I asked gently.

"It is not you who I don't trust." He replied with a heaving sigh.

I chuckled as he raised our joined hands to kiss on the wedding ring that adorned my finger. I knew Daniel never doubted our love but I knew that he was intimidated by Victor. Years may have passed yet I knew he still thinks of my ex-husband as a competition.

How wrong he was.

"Victor may be an asshole. But I know he cares." I told him softly. "And besides, he is my Rafa's father. I need to talk to him about this."

"Alright." He reluctantly let my hands go. "But text me the moment he starts being overbearing."

"I will, Dan."

I pressed a loving kiss on his inviting lips. I sighed in content at the rush of love and security that only he can make me feel. I combed my fingers through his long hair as I reluctantly pulled away from him. I watched his light hazel eyes on mine, filled with adoration and love. He was my everything.

I waved to Daniel as I entered the lobby, knowing that his eyes were trained on me.

"Hello, how may I help you?" An young, preppy blonde in the desk asked me with a toothpaste ad smile.

"Hi, I am here for Victor Krystals. Tell him it is Gabiella Rizzo."

"Please wait, Ma'am. I'll be with you shortly."

The young woman bounced away and I was suddenly reminded of how old I was getting. Once upon a time I was like her—naïve and enthusiastic. I had glamorized that youth, thinking that it was all I ever needed but it took me motherhood and crow's feet on my eyes to figure out what life was truly about. She returned back with another blinding smile.

"Floor number 31, Ma'am."

"Thank you, dear."

I smiled kindly before moving to the spacious elevators. The ride up was alone and silent, giving me space to think. I had called Victor ahead about my visit and requested privacy. Although I was not too sure if his wife had gotten the memo, but it wouldn't be news if she didn't. There were numerous times I was caught in the middle of one-sided screaming matches between Victor and his wife; the current one and the ones before that. I wondered if he really did have a type.

I stepped out of the elevator and pressed the buzzer on the door announcing the penthouse suite. I waited for a few seconds before I heard heavy footsteps coming in my direction before the door was opened.


Victor was in his t-shirt and sweatpants with his greying hair messy and barefoot. I smiled up at him; his tall stature and deep blue eyes reminding me of my Rafael. He paused to stare at me, taking in my white summer dress and heels before meeting my eyes.


"Come in."

I observed his penthouse which seemed to have been tidied by his housekeeping recently. It was all a monochrome white that hurt my eyes in the sunlight streaming through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Perhaps I have been too acclimated with the rustic wood and antique charms of Tuscany. I looked around for any trace of his new wife and was relieved when I met peaceful silence.

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