She screamed for her lover

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It was the day after Khali's execution and the only emotion being left with me was desperateness. Her being taken away by Waving, the ugly sobbing. Even though we were convinced the killer was Khali, it still hurt and doubt filled our hearts.

It lasted for ten minutes before all the lights turned red, meaning we had the killer wrong. I remember the dead silence, almost like a curse of quiet was layed upon us. Everyone departed, soon enough being locked up in their own house. I fell asleep soon enough, the day having tired me out.

"Darlings, that was quite the thrilling experience there!" Waving's voice boomed over the plaza, having called us five minutes earlier to gather. "The execution of Khali was one of the best murders i've ever done, I will make sure you guys can watch the next one too!" He grinned, frowning his eyebrows and looking down on us.

"I have opened a new area, the library. Here you can read and murder. Because oh yes, the murders aren't limited to the night. They can happen every minute." Waving finished with a flashing smile, before jumping into the iron shaft and dissapearing in a split second.

We were left with a torturing silence. Thoughts of the past days were fighting with Waving's last sentences, making a conflicting headache and a great desire to sleep. 

I was standing with my friendgroup, looking at each other with worry in our eyes. "Im scared," Rat exclaimed after some time, intertwining his hands and looking around the plaza. Shuffling their feet, Ghost agreed. "There was a feeling of safety before, but now.. it's gone. We are always in danger,"

"I agree," I say after some while. "We have to stay together."


We didn't stay together. Me and Ghost were sitting in the plaza talking to each other. The others went to the giant library. "I don't want to go just yet, if everyone's there it's a bigger chance the killer is there."

I was the only one who agreed, somehow. The rest boomed with joy and Loki found manga of this show, which excited Artemis so much they almost screamed.

Some others stayed here as well, like Vaz. Soon enough others joined us, like Cherry and Clyve.

"I don't understand how the old 10 dying friends contestants came here," Ghost whispered under their breath, observing Vaz who talked to Clyve, her skin being the center of attention. "It doesn't make sense, she died!" I stroked my chin, biting my lip in search for a logical answer. "It's magic," I joked laughing. "No, I have no idea. Except if Waving lied about their death, which I can imagine."

Ghost agreed. "To be honest, they can lie about everything and we wouldn't know. Like, how Yoda blew up the school. Did he really do that? Or is Waving masking the truth. Look at the age difference between Vaz and Yoda, certainly Photon. How did they go to the same school?" They turned their head to me, waiting for my response.

But before I could answer, I heard a spine-chilling cry and saw everyone freeze around me. Immediately I searched my friends, soon enough locking eyes with Ghost and Cherry, both widening their eyes in dread. "I think that was Loki," Ghost muttered to me, before Vaz ran towards the cry. And once the camel get's his nose in the tent, the whole body follows.

We ran after Vaz with anxiety bubbling in our chest. We ran to the newly unlocked section of the town, the library and found the white girl crying over a dead body. Loki had one hand laying over a giant stab wound in his chest, their other hand supported his head. The boy had has his eyes closed and dried up tear stains running over his cheeks. 

"p-please," Loki muttered trying to wake him up. I heard Ghost gasp loudly before walking over to the corpse and stroke his hair. Because Loki was blocking my vision, I moved a bit too the left trying to identify his face before others walked towards them. "ugh" I groaned under my breath, wanting to know who had died.

Loki was guided away by Artemis, laying her hands on Loki's shoulders and comforting them. Taking advantage of this I sprinted towards the corpse and kneeled down by it. Immeadiately I felt tears welling up in my eye corners. 

I brought my hands towards his face, cupping the poor cheeks of him.

"Why Rat," Ghost whisper cried. "Why him,"


"BEA," Ghost screamed. "Say something!" Tears run over their face. I look at Waving standing there with the paper votes in his hand. He grins at me, at our friend group in general, knowing the despair we were feeling.

We weren't allowed to do an investigation this time, Birb gave Cherry and Clyve the lead. We stayed playing Uno at the Main, waiting for the comeback of the others.

Ghost put their last card on the ever increasing piled. "oh you won," Bey says monotone. Loki just silently grabs the pile, shakes it and gives everyone a new card. With no talking, they place their cards. "Uno," Ghost says with a groggy voice. "NO" artemis screams, slamming her cards on the table and running away.

"T-t-this," Loki stuttered, an endless wave of tears flowing and flowing of her cheeks. "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" She yelled, losing her composed nature. "Its rigged, IT HAS TO BE RIGGED,"

Cherry and Clyve came back, but they had no lead on who killed Rat. Who killed our friend, merciless.

Loki gasped for air, turning her head to Artemis. "SHE WASNT UNDER SUSPISION, NOBODY EVEN TALKED ABOUT HER,"

It was painful to listen to her screams in pain. It made me speechless, Ghost begging me to stand up and everyone's confused face.

Waving grabbed Artemis her chin, lifting it up and tutting with his lips. "Such a shame, but it's fun seeing Loki crying like this," He muttered.

"SUCH A SHAME?!" Loki cried, her hands violently shaking. "YOU MONSTER!"

I felt powerless, heart aching of the poor couple torn apart. We didn't deserve this, why where we the once experiencing this?

She screamed for her lover whilst Artemis got dragged away. She fell on her knees whilst Waving waved goodbye. She fell apart as the girl followed Waving in the iron cage. She lost herself as they dissapeared underground.

She screamed for her lover but she didn't came back.

(AN/ short chapter I know, but Inspiration was dead, so I decided that I am uploading this crap chapter and maybe coming back to fix out, but otherwise I will be stuck here, so sorry :( )

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