You almost spilt the tea **GRAPHIC WARNING**

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I lay on the bed as Jisoo and Chaeyoung stare at me in mock horror, the cup of tea Chaeng brought in earlier almost dropping to the floor.

"You were sick in front of her?!" Chaeyoung shouted

"And then you ran off?" Jisoo also shouted.

I cover my head with my hands, I can feeling a headache coming on. I love these guys but they don't fucking listen to me 

"I was sick. Then when I tried to run off she grabbed me. She ordered my to explain. I told her that I tried some weird cookie with Sojin and had weird munchies for flowers. "

Chaeyoung looked at me dumbstruck as she sat down

"And she believed that?"

I shrug and turn over in the bed, trying not to spot the light

"Well me and Sojin always used to do weird shit like that in High school so it's not an issue."

"You still talk to her? Thought she almost killed you?" Jisoo asked

I shake my head

"Nah, I only passed out cause I was high. I did try to clear it up. And yeah, we still occasionally meet up for a drink or two. But that's rare, considering she's married to some tattoo artist"

Jisoo shakes her head and sits on the over side of the bed next to Chaeng

"So you almost spilt the tea" she deadpans.

It was so blunt, and so so fucking needed, that I can't help but snort.

Chaeyoung looks at me with wide eyes, laughing hysterically at my snort.

"She snorted" She laughs, pointing at me as she laughs alongside me, Jisoo stares at us like we're crazy before eventually joining in.


I pull the toothbrush out of my mouth, groaning when I hear the next complaint. I love Lisa, so damn much. But she's pissing me off.

"For the last time Lisa, I'm fine. You can come round if you want, but I can't guarantee I'll be here."

I wipe the foam off my mouth with a wet towel and head out of the bathroom.

"Why the fuck wouldn't you be there? Going to snort shit with Sojin again? So you can start eating more fucking leaves?" She sasses, stopping mid way to say bye to her mom

I scoff and walk out into the living room, Jisoo and Chaeyoung sitting at the counter as they watch me.

"Yeah Lisa, cause that's what I do for a living" I quip, pacing around the living room

"Why can't you just come with us? Kookie says he misses hanging out with you" She complains, her tone harsher

"Because I'm busy Lisa. I already told you" I say, holding the bridge of my nose as Jisoo and Chaeyoung stare at me cautiously

"Stop lying to me! It's a Sunday and your never busy!" Lisa shouts

I'm losing my fucking mind

"Okay Lisa, you wanna hear it? Hm The real reason?" I ask, trying to stop the flow of tears as I think back to last night

"Please, enlighten me"

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