Unexpected misery

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"Harry?" I woke up from my nap rubbing my puffy eyes.

Have I been napping for long?

"How are you, ma petite ? You dont look fine. Is my son not treating you right?" Harry asked me frowning slightly.

Yes, your son but not Oliver.

"Oliver can be difficult. Very difficult. But he is very lovable as well. I saw him smile broadly during his mother's birthday the year before she left us all. And I saw the same smile on his face, the day he married you. You are the reason why Oliver is turning into a sensible human . Dont ever give up on him. He might shut himself completely off the world but drag him into the light ,away from the dark.

With just few days left to live, I only want assurance that I am leaving my children in safe hands. My only worry used to be Oliver but when he got married to you, I knew he will be fine. Thank you Natalie for all you have done to Oliver and for all you are going to do. If Oliver's mum was here, she would have been so happy." Harry continued.

"What? Harry, what are you saying? Few days to live? Am I hearing it right? " My voice trembled.

"Calm down, Natalie. I was diagnosed with a brain tumor few months back. I knew it was serious and my time on this Earth was ending. Thats why I forced Oliver to get married by blackmailing him with the company. Oliver wanted to get the CEO position since young. So I used it. I feel my body weakening, I know my organs are going to stop functioning anytime, thats why I came here to tell you that Oliver needs you." Harry managed to smile at me.

Tears were running down my eyes like a waterfall.

Harry has a few more days left to live. Im losing a person who was like my parent. Im losing Oliver's role model. How can I not breakdown?

"Stop crying, ma petite. My time is over. I have lived life to the fullest. Now,its your turn. Enjoy it. Life is not short if spent with the one you love,it becomes meaningful. Now,promise me not to tell Oliver anything. Dont even be in a sullen mood after I leave. Promise me, Natalie."

I nodded my head and Harry squeezed my hands gesturing me to stay strong before he left.

I dont know if my day can get any worser. I feel like running,running to where it is just me. I cant bear the pain of losing anyone. Not now. I was just recovering and it seems like an avalanche just hit me.

I cleared the papers scattered on my table before packing my bag and heading back home.

I needed some time alone.

I went to my apartment, to where everything seemed tranquil unlike my mind.

I lingered in there for awhile composing myself . The chances of me breaking down is extremely high.

I dropped Oliver a text about my whereabouts before snuggling into my bed.

Sleep solves everything for awhile,doesnt it?
This is just a short chapter which focuses only on Harry and Nat.
I hope you guys liked it.
I will update soon!! So stay tuned.
Dont forget to vote and comment! XXX

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