Oliver's Visit.

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"Hey Nat, lets have your Bacherlorette party tomorrow!! Christina and I will be coming over!! Brace yourself for unlimited fun and stories about Oli!! :D xxxxx
- Giovanna"

A text from Giovanna came as I reached home from work. Fatigue was pushing me so hardly that I didnt bother replying to Giovanna.

It has been 24 hours since I left Oliver's condo and I have not received any calls or text from him. Im even unsure about his existence.

I woke up with puffy eyes and runny nose today morning. Thanks to Oliver for the excessive crying I had yesterday.

The last time I cried so much was when I realised that I had no parents anymore. Oliver's words wrecked me totally, I felt all alone and stranded again. How could he be the one who glues the pieces of my broken heart me yet the same person who breaks my heart into tiny pieces all over again? I started trusting him to be a part of my life and he dumps me away. Silly me, I should have known this is a fake marriage.

I dropped my handbag on my couch and went for a warm shower. I came out and checked my phone for any messages from Oliver,what I got was just disappointment.

I went to my hall to find food that had been assembled in the most appetising manner.

"Oh my god! Oliver came!!!" I whispered to myself as I squealed in joy.

Oliver is the only person I know who can arrange such delectable dishes to be delivered to my house. Im so happy that he actually made an attempt to make up for what he did.

I heard the sound of cutleries being  placed on my glass rack. Which meant Oliver was inside the kitchen.

I decided to run to my room and have some makeup on so that I dont look terrible with my still puffy eyes. I did my eyeliner and applied lipgloss to mosturise my lips instead of showing my dried ones.

I also changed into a dress which stopped directly above my knees and this was rather a body hugging red dress.

Now I entered into my kitchen anticipating Oliver to be busy trying to figure out how to operate my Wine Fridge.

"Hi Oli-"

"Hey Nutsy" I heard a voice say before I could complete my greeting.

Oh crap, it was Noah not Oliver.

"Heyy. What are you doing here?" I asked trying hold back some tears.

"Brought dinner for you and myself. Kinda guessed that you wouldnt have had dinner yet. And as usual you forgot to lock the main door. You havent changed much!!" Noah laughed.

Ugh how more dumb could I get?

If this was some other normal day,I would have appreciated Noah's thought to bring me dinner immensely. But, today all I needed was Oliver.

I gave Noah a strained smile and offered to carry the wine glasses to the table.

"You look stunning today!! Were you planning on meeting someone?" Noah questioned scanning me top to bottom.

How do I tell Noah that his best friend, Oliver is my fake husband and I had an argument about him,Noah Joe Black, being the better person for me than Oliver and I revealed to his best friend that I will be there for him and kissed him until I got lost in the galaxies but suddenly his best friend decided to push me away and rebuild all those damn walls he had around himself? How do I tell my best friend that he wasnt the one I was expecting and Im extremely upset to not have Oliver here?

I cant.

So I cooked up a story.

" I was actually trying out this dress and look to have it when I go to a party. Its like rehearsals,you know?" I replied as I stuffed the mashed potato in my mouth. Just my way of stopping Noah from asking me anymore questions.

Just then, my doorbell rang. The first thing that came up my mind was that it can be anyone but Oliver at the door. If Oliver sees Noah in my place, Hell will break loose. Im sure Oliver might just call off this whole wedding plan cause his "fiancèe" is cheating on him and find some Victoria Secret model to play wife for the next one year.

How more weird can life get? Just moments ago, I was praying that Oliver should be here and now, Im praying Oliver shouldnt be here. Sorry God for the confusion.

"I will get it, Nat. Just enjoy your meal." Noah said before I could stop him.


"Heyyyyyy Nutsy!! Look who is here! Oliver!!" Noah shouted from the hall.

Oh dear God, let this be a dream please. I promise to never eat anymore Chocolates again!!

Of course not, why would God want to save me from the clutches of the devil and stop His source of entertainment?

I saw Oliver standing there with his Varsity Jacket and brown pants . His hair was side combed and he was wearing  geeky specs which made him look like the hottest geek I have ever seen. He looked like an 18 year old who was in highschool. Dont tell me he went to a highschool to find a potential "wife" .

I choked on my wine upon seeing him. Mainly because he looked this H.O.T and because he turned up here unexpectedly.

Noah was the first to run towards me and ask me if I was alright. I felt Oliver's stare on me. It was scorching, I could feel his anger waves directed at me .

"Join us,Olz" Noah called Oliver to have dinner with us.

Oliver sat beside me while Noah went back to his seat which was opposite me.

Great. It looked like Oliver third wheeled Noah and me.

I didnt dare to look at Oliver's face. I cant bear anymore scathing words from him.

I pushed the Clam Chowder nearer to Oliver so that he could help himself to it. He did have some of it.

By this time,I was nibbling on my food. I had no appetite to eat. Especially when my fiancè thinks I may prefer Noah over him and also Noah getting me dinner now adds on to all my trouble.

"Hey guys, excuse me!! I need to get this call" Noah excused himself from the place and went to the kitchen to answer his ringing phone.

This was really perfect -note the sarcasm there-,Im left all alone with Oliver who is ready to strangle me anytime.

The best thing I can do is to try explaining to Oliver that I dont have any feelings for Noah like he thinks. And infact, we are just having a friendly dinner. Also, I dressed up like this cause I thought it was Oliver here.

How much more pain can I bear now? Im not able to accpet Noah's pure friendship because of Oliver who suspects it as love. Maybe Oliver is jealous? Wait , who am I kidding? Oliver isnt the emotional type. Its just sheer misunderstanding.

"Oliver, you have misund-" I started before being cut off the devil.

"Its okay. I didnt mean to spoil your evening anymore. Bye" Oliver said very softly. He stood up and left my house, this time he didnt slam the door loudly.

My heart broke. Oliver sounded weak and defeated. Definitely he thinks Im into Naoh.

I dropped my fork and spoon onto my plate. This is unfair.

I left my house in search of Oliver's car somewhere in the common carpark outside.

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