Moving Out

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"Must you really go?" I pulled Oliver closer toe as he was wearing his suit on. This isnt what I expected. Oliver is leaving for office .
I have not told him about Xavier yet. He was still sick yesterday and I thought today would be a better day to tell.
Crap, I should have told yesterday itself.
"Yes Natalie. 3 days of leave from work is too much. In fact,the past 2 days ,I have been missing out so much." He took his suitcase and left the room.
I wa still frowning at him.
"Nat,Im sorry. Its not like I dont want to stay home with you. But the workload is a bit higher this month. I promise I will try to be back by dinner today. Take care of yourself alright?" He embraced me.
"Dinner just means supper time in your language, Oliver. But I need to tell you something very important so please be back as soon as you can." I adjusted his suit.
Oliver nodded before hurrying to his BMW.
Since I was free today, I decided I should do some baking.
I took some baking books from the bookshelf and flipped through them.
I finally decided to bake some Brownies. They were Oliver's favourites. He has them on his "Cheat days" from the gym.
Maybe talking about Xavier over some brownies might ease the tension faster.
I gathered all the ingredients I needed and I realised I had completely ran out of eggs and neesed more chocolate.
So I had to do some shopping.
I headed out and informed the security guard before leaving. I cant have Oliver sending a search party if he realises Im not at home.
I walked to the nearest grocery shop and picked up the items I needed.
Also did some shopping for clothes as I knew I wasnt going to be able to wear my current clothes in a few months.
I was walking back to our mansion and heard someone calling out to me in a rather soft tone.
I turned behind to see no one but the florist arranging her flowers. She looked at me and flashed a smile. I returned a smile and started walking back.
I had a constant feel that I was being watched and followed by someone. This was creepy and I delved into my handbag to find my phone but I hadnt brought it along with me.
I kind of jogged back home praying hard that I was just being delusional.
I got back home and dropped all the things onto the table and settled on the couch,calming myself down.
The doorbell starting ringing and I almost had a heart attack at the speed it was ringing.
I opened the door to see Xavier standing there.
"Xavier! Were you the one following me all these while? What are you doing at my house?" I questioned incessantly stopping him from entering the mansion.
"Ahh sweetheart, you are asking too many questions." He pushed the door open making me lose my balance as I was holding the door against him.
His arms caught me before I fell and I caught his emerald eyes gazing at me.
"See babe, thats what I call, meant to be." He smirked, I pushed his hands away from me .
"Get away, Xavier. You are lucky, I havent told my husband about you. If not,  you wouldnt be standing here in one piece. So get out." I threatened him.
"Ohh Natalie, why are you so adamant on asking me to leave? Im came here not to leave without you. And let me tell you, I can flick that husband of your in a second. Now lets relive our moments again." He placed his hands on my hips, crashing his lips onto mine. I stood there rooted to the ground as this kiss caught me off guard.
But the kiss was short-lived cause we heard someone clearing the throats and got startled.
I turned to see Oliver standing there fuming with fury.
I could see the anger in his eyes. His jaws were clenched.
"Oliver Anderson?" Even Xavier looked terrified. So terrified he ran off the mansion.
I would have giggled at this but something in Oliver's expression told me that he was suspecting me of being with Xavier.
"Oliver.. I-"
"Cut it, Natalie. Save yourself from giving any explanations. I saw it "live" here. I know what is happening. If you are expecting me to nuture a child thats not mine and give it my last name too,you are greatly mistaken. Oliver's crude words slit through my hearts. Words couldnt express the amount of pain I was experiencing. Tears were flowing profusely. I held my somewhat showing stomach and cried.
"Well well well, trouble in paradise?" I heard the most screechiest voice. Followed by a annoying laughter.
Fina and Arnold had appeared at the entrance of the mansion.
"What are you two doing here?" Oliver shouted, venting his existing anger on them.
"We are here to show how much of a virtuous woman, your wife here is ." Fina handed over a letter to Oliver.
"Mrs Natalie Anderson, or should I say,Miss Natalie Dovers now since you arent going to have her with now.. has swindled $3000000 from our accounts and cancelled 5 contracts on her own accord. Oliver, were you aware of this or has she decieved you as well?" Arnold spoke.
"Noo Oliver. I didnt. Trust me." I begged him.
"The both of you can get out of my house." Oliver commanded at the both of them.
"Understand now that she is just a gold digger,brother." Arnold said before he left with Fina.
"Oliver." I sniffed and trembled before speaking again.
"I can explain. I will never cheat on you." I weeped.
"Natalie, Im giving you 20 minutes. Pack your things and leave this house at once. Never come back in my life. Im disgraced at the thought of having loved you. I thought you were different from the gold diggers I saw. But you were just disguised as a innocent woman. Please leave. " Oliver walked up to the office room,slamming the door loudly.
I packed all my clothes and things stuffing them into the luggage. I glanced at Oliver for the last time as he  staring at the ceiling in the office room.
I threw my handphone away before hailing a taxi and going to the airport.
Flying to where anyone cant near me. Even where the past cant touch me...

A/N : Omg. Natalie has left. ALL FALSE ACCUSATIONS ON HER. But Oliver doesnt believe her.
Where do you think Natalie will be going?
What will Oliver do now?

I hope you guys liked this chapter!! Please do vote and comment!! It would be really supportive of you all to do so!!
And also I have not edited this chapter so sorry if there any mistakes.
Please note that the next chapter will be fast forwarded to 3 years later!!!♧

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